Also discussing someone's pain on a forum won't help them much, rather they should go for therapy. It sounds ridiculous but if you're really that emotional then you better go.
Anyone who commits suicide is fucking stupid. Cause you only live once. Enjoy whatever you can. Sure people will forgive you after sometime.
Any investor if he gets a loss shouldn't sob about it. He should learn from his mistakes. And people won't listen to you or me. They'd learn the hard way because they are just fucking stubborn. I don't mean to hurt you or something but it's the truth.
People rarely make the same mistake twice, it is typically thrice and many more times. It is somehow assumed that people are able to learn from their mistakes. What the heck, it is even assumed that they should learn from the mistakes of others. But it is hardly so with either of these assumptions, at least not in trading. Most people will make the same mistake all over again until they understand and accept that they can't get the hang of the thing and go away or until they lose all and then go away as well.