My Amex card expired last year, they may have sent a new card but I don't live there anymore. I'll get around to officially turning that one off, I've had an Amex since '97. I called a few months and cut off my Mastercard and verified that my Bank of America card was turned off.
That left me with my bank's debit card. That expired at the end of April.
I still have my bank account, I have a rental with direct deposit into my bank account and I turn around and pay my mortgage from there so I haven't taken that final step to close that account. Plus I figured I can just use my bank account to buy/sell bitcoins until they shut down my account like they do with so many people.
I do have a deutsche bank account card that I use to deposit cash into my account. I tend to get more through localbitcoins than I spend so I just convert the extra cash back to bitcoins so I don't have to turn people away who want to buy bitcoins with cash.
Are you going to try to live off Bitcoin, or is it poor organization from you that has let you have no cards anymore?!
I don't see cards as the problem, I mean there are bitcoin debit/credit cards, I see the fiat system as the problem. If you have a fiat bank account (pretty much a necessity) then you are still in the system.
If they do shut your account because of your bitcoin trading, what will you do then? Can you get paid in cash or bitcoin? If not then you are going to have some major difficulties!
I'm currently paid 100% in Bitcoin through I pay for as much as I can using bitcoins. I actively sell bitcoins on localbitcoins so I usually have plenty of cash for buying food and paying rent.
If they shut down my bank account I can probably have my tenants direct deposit directly to my bitwage bitcoin address and I am looking at to see if they can handle my mortgage payment. My goal this year is definitely to go into 2016 with no bank account. I have confidence in the Bitcoin community filling the final pieces necessary to do that.
This is great, I don't know any other person that is taking it this far. My question is, do you tax your BTC? I assume you want to avoid to do that, but let's say you eventually buy a property paying with BTC: How would you go about it? The government would find out you own a house sooner or later, and they will want to know how did you pay, and where did that money come from. You'll not have any other explanation but telling the truth, which means they'll want to know your total BTC stack and tax your ass.
Also, what do you think about using exchanges like multisigna + mixing the coins before doing so? are you still in trouble with the law that way? I want to be as anonymous as possible, no one needs to know the movements I make with my money, that is just so fucking annoying.