What country do you live in? There are not that many countries yet that require licensing from what I have seen, based off of my research.
the truth is that all countries want to somehow rip you off with their licenses, doesnt matter what you do, the problem is that the states themselves are not a signature for trustworthyness,
for example a license from simbabwe would be an indication that this exchange is being pressured out by the regime.
there was recently a case where 3 brasilian students wanted to sell t-shirts and they have spent an entire year to collect all necessary licenses.
the license system has come into existance dencentrally, not centrally, and its main driving force is the greed to cash in on all those that want to start a business.
if we cant fix this issue we will only have the rich and established elites beeing able to found new exchanges, and new businesses, while the licensing system ripps of all those that want to start a business.