Why electrum? What's the difference from the others? In general, they're all described as simple and lightweight.
Its a difficulty question to answer if we dont know what you are looking for. Electrum and Multibit HD are both HD wallets, so its easy to create a backup. Electrum allows some more advanced features like exporting and importing (extra file) private keys, while Multibit HD is aimed more at beginners. Multibit HD's wallet files are better protected against brute force attacks, which can be mitigated by using a longer password if you prefer electrum.
I can say almost nothing about Bither, I only used it once in a VM to create a "how to sign a message" tutorial. It looked fine, but I never used it with coins.
I have never used GreenAddress, Copay and BitGo.
I would not consider mSIGNA a light wallet, because it needs a full node to run. That node can be externally, but thats usually not a good idea. Its been a while since I used it and I found it overly complex.