Looks to me like crairezx20 sold the account from 1 of his alt accounts(frilledshark maybe), then there was some loan bs going on in the middle. Either way Blitzboy needs banned along with the OP for ban evasion as he clearly states his main account was banned.
I'm not sure my thinking is right, but I'd say it here.
In this case: the two accounts are related by buying and selling, and for the moment, these two accounts are owned by two different people, so I think that negative trust is not reasonable. Of course action is on you, I just give my opinion.
Also, if his account was banned from 4 years ago, I don't know what the reason is. But I don't see any rule if a user's account will be banned if an other account has been banned. Personally, 4 years is a very long time, users can become better. I did not defend him, but look at the amount of money he used to buy Blitzboy, I just feel pity, an account at the hero member is being thrown away LOL
Just a personal opinion, hopefully I'm not hated