ps - This is not a mining operation, and it is not an exchange, it is something different, as I said not public facing, so it is business to business, and is providing a service that the gentleman already provides, and has done past 20 years with his own firm, and working with some very big players, so this is merely doing almost exactly what he already does and has done the past 20 years, but using cryptocurrency and the blockchain, it is fiendishly simple, the business is 100% there and the contacts already there, and at no point will the business be in the general publics eye.
I am sure by the time I am done with him the guy is going to end up holding Bitcoin, probably, but that will have nothing to do with what are going to do. This is more about disrupting a industry that is already in place (and thriving) and adding massive value, and increasing the profit margin massively. If/when this all works out, then I will come back and spill the beans one day, once we are properly up and running.
all good and understandable. all i meant is tailor your words to his business. the other person who got abrupt on the last page was just trying to point out that as a geek he see's that you use the words wrongly. so use finance and the benefits bitcoin can bring to the finaincial business. dont pretend to be a geek.
i have seen a few others that spend 20 minutes talking to people in th 50's and use computer jargon on them, and it just flies over their head leaving more questions then answers. i personally never use 1 script /sales pitch for all, and i dont use ready made video's /presentations. i tailor make all my stuff and i make sure it speaks in the language of the recipient.
i think that was the point the person on the last page was trying to make. so take the advice of the last 20+ posts on board and tweak it into words that speak to the financial investor in the terms of finance. try to keep the words of geek speak to a minimal. such as that one line we both agree on:
"It's just an accounting ledger that everyone has a copy of so that it can't be faked."
nice, short and sweet, and understandable..
and not a
"decentralised peer-to-peer cryptographically utilised payment network" sentance in sight
both meaning bitcoin, but hopefully you see the point in using the first one in your scenario
Hi there, thank you for your time in replying. I 100% hear what you are saying and I totally agree with what you are saying. I know I am a part time wannabe geek only, alas I am not a full on cypherpunk, and generally I do try to fit my communication style to who I am communicating with in a professional capacity. I was not aware using the word "crypto(s)" to describe/abbreviate the word/term crypto-currency, was so out of the ordinary, I do appreciate that the term comes from the word crypto, and cryptography/cryptology
of course......... it is just I thought people on this forum would understand what I meant. Maybe it was my time in Australia that gives me the urge to shorten and slap a s on the end of words.
Anyways, I have more than enough sources of information to send him now, as I say he is almost there already, the guy is certainly no fool, and I more wanted to give him a one stop shop for viewing data sources, educating and exploring and furthering his knowledge in his own time, and opening up the doors of the implications and possibilities, and also the depth and breadth of the work already done (call it proof of work if you will
) and where this technology could lead us in the future, more with a view that he has a way of understanding the jargon
that he will need to, when he needs to and also to allow him to see and explore the implications for himself, before we meet again. The more understanding he has, the easier my job will be ongoing, and the more comfortable he will be in investing, and attempting to disrupt the industry that he is involved in. Basically once he is happy with his understanding and trust in the technology and how I propose we use it, then the guy is in to the point that if I can then show him this business model can work, which I can, then we are a go... well ..... barring the finished business plan and costings, negotiations, oh and setting up of international partners, oh and a possible merging of forces with another UK entity which could save us a lot of time money and effort, and also pending advice from the FSA and the HMRC among others, so basically we are almost there ; ) walk in the park. Seriously this resource list is hardly worth talking about, it was perhaps an innocent question to catch anything decent I may have missed to make my job easier. Lazy of me perhaps, but my mind is buzzing right now, and I should be asleep, I have already spent too much time jabbering about this.
Simple is always best though, I hear you, I may tweek the introduction to the resources e-mail before sending it on tomorrow, though I have already chewed the guys ear off for several hours, and the guy did not glaze over too much
Thank you all (almost) for your replies- I appreciate your time.