What's the point of bragging about this in the forum? Making more people envy?
Nobody would believe you if you don't provide any valid poof.
I could make a post stating that I've won a million dollars in a casino. Who would believe me?
If your post is true, congratulations. You've had a great day. It happens sometimes. Most of the time life sucks.
I don't play gambling games on strip clubs because:
1.There aren't any strip clubs where I live.
2.This must be super distracting.
By the way, I think that you should move this post in the Gambling Discussion forum. Otherwise it might get deleted.
All proofs:
my deposit today (126+126 = 140$ close)
https://prnt.sc/EkHlCjfYXAz2photo that I gave the girl 150,000 mil pesos from the winning (the girl who play with me)
https://prnt.sc/TfzfRcRK81hYHere photo show that I talk with my colombian friend that we start with 240$ and now we have 340$ after some winning
also dull bits balance there
https://prnt.sc/TVAG78yf9S8KHere proof that we took cocaine
https://prnt.sc/Ieysxjhe-N3oHere proof that I still have the cocaine
https://prnt.sc/VRkxxqTl0yDUSo basically I break even 100$ in colombia is enough for sex + couple of drinks + 1 gram of cocaine. good night.