How did you approach the problem of raising capital for this venture and collateral for the house in the improbable likelihood of someone exceeding the amount the casino has?
It was a luck more than anything, Im a speculator and a nerd from way back (I used to play on the e-gold casino's). I saw bitcoin come along and started mining 2-3 years ago and also bought some off mtgox back when the price was only $5 per coin
I had been sitting on my pile of coins ever since and enjoying the easy access of bitcoin gambling playing games such as satoshidice. I know CodeMonkey in real life and when he asked me to test his bitcoin coinflip script I did then quickly organized a meeting with him afterwards. I offered him a flat 50/50 split on all profits if he would continue to improve the script to meet my list of wants (done) with myself backing the casino entirely.
I wanted to invest in other start ups but not knowing any of the people behind them in real life and the many many scams perpetuating bitcoin I thought it best to go with someone I trusted and had a history with.
Also, I'd like to understand the process you go through to allow an alternative cryptocurrency to be used on your site.
Supporting altcoins has become rather trivial in the last 6 months for us. The engine works of config files which allows us to set rules for each currency eg: txfee, max bet, etc.
Regarding the addition new altcoins we like to observe them for a bit once they are released. I like to see:
* an active community
* Innovation
* Some sanity behind the coin, coins with extremely fast block propagation make for high IO usage on our server, this is acceptable only if the coin is extremely popular. I wouldn't want to see more than 1m / block personally and thats based purely off litecoind and our the engine running litecoin games performances on our server when idle.
There have been cases where we add a coin and its dead for months, this actually happened with PPCoin, our first risky add (low interest at the time).
Speaking strictly for PPCoin, the engine could sit idle for days/ weeks and on a one occasion a month, but then use slowly built up to where we now have a few regular players. The engine rarely idles for more than 1 day before having a few games played.
is there a particular altcoin you would like to see added ? We are always receptive to new suggestions.