If you don't mind we can all agree that early investors are just early believers and the investors who have not heard of BTC before until today are late believers. Well they pay for being early believers, they waited too. But don't worry, if you buy today you will still be considered early believers by the time comes when it's more than $60K.
we are all late comer now
the price already pass 60K
by the way i want to double my 100 dollar investment in bitcoin this year
hopefully it will become 200 dollar when bitcoin reach 100K
my 100 dollar bill can buy up to 0.0017 bitcoin at the current price
its better than late then never cheers...
Who told you buying at $60k is late? Do you have crystal balls to predict the peak of Bitcoin price before your so called "bubble" burst?
*Bitcoin reaches $1,000, people be like "I think I'll pass I might be late for the party."
*Bitcoin reaches $10,000, people like you be like " oh! I didn't expect that, lucky are those people who bought at the bottom. I'll pass again because this time Bitcoin bubble will going to burst for sure."
*Bitcoin broke the 2017 ATH, people like you be like "Dang! I should've bought at $10,000. Nevermind, Bitcoin is going down after this anyway."
*Bitcoin at the current price, you be like "oh I'm F*ckng late. So, I gotta keep trolling over these community and question Bitcoin's existence with some stupid thoughts.
See you at $100k OP. I'll still be expecting you there to say you're late again.