Don't listen to people in this thread. When Casascius released his first version of his coins, he had a typo, and people who contribute nothing to the advancement of Bitcoin were really harsh. Screw the freeloaders. Give it a go. See what happens.
I appreciate it but just reading through this thread again is less then helpful. leave it there and if it ends in a month with a total of $10 contributed to it like where is right now then it went down in bitter failure
Anybody posting innovated ideas on this forum needs a thick skin. There are large numbers of ideas here, most of which are crazy, stupid, fraudulent, unworkable, etc. Consequently there are people who go around calling nearly everything crazy/stupid/fraudulent/unworkable and they feel pretty good about themselves because they are right most of the time.
I've been through the cycle several times now, and I've learned to just read through the comments looking for anything which gives ME doubt about my idea. Then, if I'm still happy with my idea, I just thank people profusely for their intelligent comments (whether or not they were intelligent) and announce that I haven't seen anything to convince me my idea won't work, and that I am proceeding. That usually quiets the criticism. You might post your response to a couple valid criticisms that other people might be wondering about, but don't get into arguments which distract you and the community from your goal.
Thanks for doing this, whether or not you succeed.