I read the "whitepaper" and i find bitcoins the next step for the humanity.
I have 500.000 euro to invest and a quite good ideas but i feel like i am needing an hand and partners aswell.
So if someone wants to join.
Sorry for my english it isnt my first language, im italian.
Will you naw say you want give this money me because your friend in africa dead and he want to invest money india ?? hahaha I get this mail reglarly
Maybe he wants people to contact him then he will say they will invest together but he will find an excuse to ask you to send btc. Or he is trolling
You no know he scammer or not, if he scammer, only would he say to that he is here for scamming ? All scammer say they invest money and they from rich background, they cant invest money in own country for some reason and want send money to your country. Not only this money laundry but lie. He liar.
He then ask your passport and want some money of your to send you his money your country, for papers etc. all this is chingri fish bull shit!!! Many such scam spam email in inbox of my gmail.