There was a post somewhere in the altcoin forum that said that the darknet merchants' acceptance of XMR is decreasing. I will try to find it. This is really very normal because first, those that dropped it might just be testing it. Second, XMR does not have enough of the infrastructure needed to make it easier to use. A light wallet that works properly than the present one which is in its alpha release must be replaced. Third, that's reality. I takes some time for people to adjust and make use of what is new offered to them. It will take maybe more than 1 year before XMR becomes really prominent in the darknet.
It will take just some being busted because of using transparent BTC instead of XMR.
People are lazy animals they will not do anything that are not forced to do.
There was a guy who posted some thread talking mostly nonsense about monero, a lot of FUD.
But out of his many conclusions, there were two good ones, one that a large percent of mining is botnets, the other was buying of accounts. He linked to a few accounts where they had always written random posts, but soon they had suddenly switched to hyping. I'll try and find a link.
I would love to see that post. Lots kids make lots acounts here for signature campaigns and just spam wherever they are allowed to. Lots other coins holders that dont like XMR success like ducknote owners and others in past made accounts and on first look shiled XMR but if you looked at it from distance they were FUDing it. That happened for last 2 years on this forum. Then there are day traders. They will shill coin when they hold it and FUD when they are accumulating. So here are 3 possibilities of those accounts. But before i see them i cant really say where they belong. If you or anyone expect that any of Monero 100 developers took time and made an acount on this forum to bla bla about it just so he will praise his work when developing coin i think you will be disappointed.
Botnets. What is "large percent" 1%, 0.1%, 10% . What number is number large?
Where this clue come from? Where can i check how many botnets mine Monero? Is is only clue that can be mined by everyone on earth since are asic resistable and you can mine them with CPU?
What is a difference between botnet hash and hash from my CPU? We both secure Monero network and we both get paid by how much hash power we give to secure it.
Talk about botnets is totally not needed since 1. botnets are just normal CPUs mining. 2. no one can prove that is even 1% of Monero hashpower made by botnets. With GUI everyone will be able to mine with their wallet. I am sure even then will be bla bal of high % of botnets mining Monero altho wil be close no zero then.