- there were market manipulations going on at clearing time (20:00 UTC) since some weeks now
- there was a long discussion in the ICBIT thread, with several proposals how to prevent such manipulations
- Fireball was aware of that discussion, participated, and indicated that ICBIT will take some measures.
None of these are inconsistent with "my intended message". In fact, they support it quite well.
- but Fireball made also clear that he sees a lack of liquidity as the underlying problem
This is inconsistent with the theory Fireball is right: a 1000% of daily liquidity failed to do anything.
Obviously Fireball would claim "lack of liquidity" is the problem: he has a vested interest into maybe tricking some idiot to go to war with this mysterious "manipulator" and lose his shirt fighting the very site.
- today, Fireball announced that the clearing will be delayed by half an hour or so, because of "maintenance work on the current session"
This is perfectly consistent with the theory Fireball is a scammer: a few hours after his scam was blown wide open (as by the original post link) his site suddenly goes into "maintenance". This is just a coincidence, right? Wrong. This is trying to cover his tracks.
- this is the time when you took your 1st screen shot
I took no screenshot.
You either naively or purposefully fail to notice that the site is allowed to CLAIM it's selling the winner's position because of lack of liquidity on the loser side of the deal.
What happens in practice is that the site puts out bait bids. If someone bites and the rate goes against them they lose their investment. If it goes against the site they can just arbitrarily close the position in a few points.
Again, this is so much a bucket shop fraudulent establishment it screams. By the book, bucket shop.
The only thing "it is possible" to do is to donate relatively small sums of money to the dishonest people behind the site. Plain and simple.