
Topic: [ICO] [BOUNTY] ICO Dev. Kit: Develop and run an ICO or Ad Campaign automatically - page 2. (Read 838 times)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Bounty Campaign Participant's Guide
List of ICOs
All ICOs registered in our system and made "public" by their owners are listed in this list. To see it, navigate to List of ICOs using "ICO Toolkit" section of the left hand menu.

Let's take a look at the columns of the table:

Name: name of a campaign and (when clicked) a URL provided by people running that campaign.

Start/End Dates: Dates when Campaign officially begins and ends. Note that you do not have to wait for a campaign to begin in order to register for it: it is a CAMPAIGN's dates, not dates of an associated bounty campaign..

Description: Usually, contains a summary of what the campaign is about, to see more, click the campaign name.

Approval is an important flag, specifying if you need to be "whitelisted" by an owner of a campaign. Some campaigns collect user information (so called KYC, "Know Your Customer"), some check to make sure you are from a particular country and so on. Some don't.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
"Has Bonus Tokens" Option

Often, Crowd Sale owner wants to issue some tokens free of charge to some people as a reward. For example, they have participated in beta testing, or advertizing campaign, or something else that deserves gratitude.

When you set a "Has Bonus Tokens" checkmark, the "ICO" class generated by an ICO Generator gets a "distributeTokens(address beneficiary, uint256 nNumOfTokens, string strDistributionReason)" function. It assigns the specified number of tokens to a specified address, free of charge. It is important that you specify a meaningful and consistent reason for token distribution, as it is being saved to the log and can then be used in reports.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
How do I know that the code was generated without errors?

To find out if there were errors, at least in Windows - Chrome, press F12. It will open a Chrome's debug window (to hide it, press F12 again). If you see a red number in the corner, then there were errors.

After the "Update ICO Prices & Timing" button is pressed, the Solidity code is updated:

function ICO() public
    m_token = new MyToken();
Note that in Solidity, dates are represented as seconds and mpney as wei (1 ether equals 10^18 wei).
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
ICO Generator

Can extend Crowdsale time

As was mentioned above, this option allows you to extend the duration of a crowd sale. To understand better the way it works, let's look at the Crowd Sale stages.

In the middle column of ICO Generator screen, you see the editable multiline text area containing a bracketed list:

   "timeEnd":"27 Nov 2018",
   "tokenPrice":"1 finney",
   "timeEnd":"27 Dec 2018",
   "tokenPrice":"1 finney",
   "timeEnd":"27 Jan 2019",
   "tokenPrice":"1 finney",
   "timeEnd":"27 Feb 2019",
   "tokenPrice":"1 finney",
   "timeEnd":"27 Mar 2019",
   "tokenPrice":"1 finney",
This is the list of stages of your ICO. As a minimum, you have to set correct dates there. Also keep attention on proper formatting, a missing quotation mark will stop the generator half way, yeilding the improper code.

Note, that some stages are allowed to do trading (selling tokens), while some are not. Also, you can set the price of a token on each stage (it will be ignored if trading is prohibited, but you still need to have this field).

Edit the text in an edit box, and press "Update ICO Prices & Timing" button. The changes will be reflected in the text.
full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 102
Hi sir,
If you need a translator into Indonesian, you can contact me
this is my portfolio








Activity: 56
Merit: 0
ICO Generator Features
Let's walk through the features ICO Generator provides. First of all, some sections of the code are not possible to remove, as they are always required, no mater what features you select.

Safe Math
A small helper class, taking care of arithmetic overflow errors. Let's say you have a balance variable, and it is equal to 10. Then you (accidentally) subtract 20 from it. As Solidity does not have negative numbers, an overflow happens, and now the "balance" holde a REALLY large number. Which can create a disaster, as we are talking about money. SafeMath makes this situation impossible.

Think of an interface as of a reminder: here are functions you have to implement. By deriving our token (below) from ERC20Interface, we make sure that it is compatible with ERC20 standard.

The interface does not have any implementation of functions, only the declarations. To implement them, we derive an ERC20Token class ("contract" in Solidity is the same as "class" in less financially oriented languages) from it and fill functions with the real code.

Another standard class, used almost everywhere. It allows us to automatically set a contract owner to be the same person that created a class. The ownership can then be verified, so that sertain functions could be called only by the class owner.

The ownership can be transfered, but again, only by the current owner of a class.

There are two major approaches to issuing tokens during the Crowd Funding. First, we initially generate maximum possible amount of tokens, and distribute whatever we can during the crowd sale. When crowd sale ends, we "burn" undistributed tokens.

The second approach, one used in ICO Generator tool, is to have no tokens at the beginning of a fund rising event, and to generate (or MINT) tokens as they are purchased. It means that at the end we don't have to "burn" nything.

Both methods work equally well, so it is a mater of personal preferences.

"MyToken" is a default name for the token you create. To change it, enter another name in the "Token Name" edit box. The name you entered will replace the "MyToken" everywhere in the code.

Token (its parent class) has a "decimals" field specifying the number of decimal points to show to the user. For example, if you make coins (like Ethereum itself) you may want to allow it to have 18 digits after the decimal "dot" (like Ethereum does). While if you are selling movie tickets, the decimals should be zero, as there is no such thing as 1.235 movie tickets.

Decimals are used by online exchanges to display data properly: it is FOR HUMANS only, for our convenience.

As you can see, you don't have to have "ICO" checkbox selected: in that case you will only get the code for a token. Checking an "ICO" check box brings up options you can modify in your ICO contract, also it brings up the ICO code as well (initially collapsed).

Can pause Crowdsale

As your crowdsale goes, you might bump into some unexpected situations. Say, your web site is down or hacked. Anything. Then you can pause crowd sale, and resume it later. While paused, tokens can not be bought.

This feature works well with the next one, called "Can extend Crowdsale time" - if you lost some time due to site being down, why not to extend the Crowd Sale?
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
ICO Generator is an online service that generates Solidity scripts for ICO Campaigns. Very often, a developer faces a situation when a client wants to launch an ICO, and requirements are changing "as we go". Or maybe you just want the job to be done FAST.

The idea behind ICO Generator tool is to allow the user to select features required for a particular campaign, like minimum and maximum goals, token name and so on. Then the Solidity contract is genegated automatically, and all that is left to do is to copy it and deploy.

On the following screenshot you see a typical view of an ICO Generator: the user set an "ICO" checkmark and specified campaign min. and max target as well as number of "shares" to issue (explained below).

Note that the "+" signs used to expand / collapse code fragments are there for reader's convenience only. When you believe that all features are specified, right before copying the code, you have to expand all collapsed sections.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Campaign Details: Statistics: Signatures
As Signature Scanner performs its daily scans, statistics is being collected. Click this tab to expand a table with daily statistics.

Campaign Details: Participants
Participants for Signature Campaign is a list of people that have registered to participate in your Bounty campaign.

Member Id: an id on Bitcointalk forum. In addition to a user name that is usually displayed for every one to see, Bitcointalk uses a unique id of a forum member.

Ethereum address: an address that you will use to send rewards to. Note that our Toolkit has features implemented or planned to make assignment easier for you.

Points: number of points a participant has. Assigned by Signature Scanner, based on number of posts found and "weight" of a signature (see the screenshot of a signatures above).

Approved: As our sample campaign does not require approval, all participants are approved by default. Nevertheless, you can disapprove any one by removing the corresponding check mark; for example, you can do it is posts of that person are inappropriate.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Campaign Details: Signatures
Our Toolkit includes a Signature Scanner tool. It works as follows: you list signatures your "participants" can use and rewards you assign for using them. A participant uses the signature and depending on the number of posts and participant;'s rank on Bitcointalk, bonus points are assigned.

Click on the "Signatures for" title to expand it. You see a form that you can use to enter signatures.

Note that Signature Scanner performs an EXACT match, so your participants have to use copy-paste, with no editing whatsoever.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Campaign Details

Click "Select" button for a campaign you want to work with.

In addition to fields you have already seen in Cabinet, there are new ones:

Campaign Address: as our services are not free, you need to deposit some ether to get access to its features. There are different ways to track payments, our toolkit uses an address provided by a client. Anything that comes from that address is guaranteed to be yours.

Campaign Name: this is "just the name", used to display info to the user. As "Leda" is not what we need, let's change the name of a campaign. I am going to click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the page and type "ICO Dev. Toolkit" as a new name. Then I click "Save" to save changes: from now on, the name of a campaign is "ICO Dev. Toolkit".

Campaign Web Site: in a "Cabinet", clicking at a campaign name takes you to a URL entered in Campaign Details form. Also, when a visitor clicks at a campaign name in "List of ICOs" page, the link is user to take him to your page.

Start and End Dates: in addition to simply informing your customers, these dates are used to hide your campaign if it passed the end date.

Published. A campaign is only visible to customers in "List of ICOs", if you "publish" it.

Approval: specifies if people that have registered for bounty campaign have to pe approved. If you check this field, an additional information has to be entered: a link to your campaign's KYC (Know Your Customer) info. Currently we do not support KYC, which means that you have to create one of your own and process people that have registered.

Adding support for KYC to our Toolkit is in our to do list.

Campaign Description: will be displayed at "List of ICOs" page to help your potential customers.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Personal Cabinet

All ICO Development Kit features are awailable from the Personal Cabinet. In the left-hand menu, select ICO Toolkit item. You will be asked to log in:

Enter login (e.mail) and password (should be strong enough, 8 characters min, Upper and Lower case, and numbers) and click "New Account".

On the following picture you see a cabinet with one campaign already in it. You can have more than one campaign in your workspace, to add a campaign, click "Add Campaign" at the bottom of the page and fill the campaign details.

As for a campaign we see on a screen shot: its id is 23, its name is Leda, it will last from Jan 05, 2018 till Jan 06, 2019.

The balance of a campaign is 1 ether (which is A LOT, you will never need that much).

Approval is an important flag, specifying if you need to "whitelist" your participants or not. Note, that by participants we mean people that help you during your bounty campaign (for example, placing your signature in their posts). It has nothing to do with whitelisting of people buying your tokens.

Published. When someone (not you, so he is not logged into your account) clicks "List of ICOs" in the left-hand menu, he only sees "published" campaigns. So this flag is for you to hide your campaign from visitors, until it is ready.

Finally, a Select check box is used to mark your campaign. Select it and click "Delete Selected" - and it will be gone.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Our News

Mar 19 - Mar 25, 2018   
Refactoring the Signature Scanner
Bounty Campaign Signature Scanner (no link provided) service is not what we want and it is going to be re-written from scratch.

The service should provide functionality for scanning Bitcointalk forum looking for qualified signatures to posts, and assigning bonus points, accordingly.

Feb 26 - Mar 04, 2018   
Site reorganized
There are still many pages containing obsolete / incorrect info. It is being changed, site structure should become more clear and straightforward.

News page updated and we hope it will be updated from now on, on the regular basis.

The color scheme of a site was changed (again!)

Creating the Bitcointalk topic about our ICO and Bounty Campaign.

Feb 26, 2018   
Pre-ICO Scheduled
ShareHolder project is scheduled for Pre-ICO this April! Don't miss the opportunity of your life time!

What is pre-ICO?

A "lame" stage of an ICO, with signifficant discount, to compensate for the fact that a particular data when ICO begins and ends is not announced yet.

Feb 19 - Feb 25, 2018   
Registration page for Bounty Campaign Participants
Participants of our (or 3rd party one that we hold) Bounty Campaign can now register by choosing one of available campaigns from the List of Bounty Campaigns.

An administrator (owner of a campaign) can perform bulk insertions/deletions, adding bonus points and so on at Campaign page in Personal Cabinet: Modify Participants Info form.

Access to Services via Personal Cabinet.
Personal Cabinet services are mostly up and running.

Feb 12 - Feb 18, 2018   
Registration page for Bounty Campaign Participants
Participants of our (or 3rd party one that we hold) Bounty Campaign can now register by choosing one of available campaigns from the List of Bounty Campaigns.

An administrator (owner of a campaign) can perform bulk insertions/deletions, adding bonus points and so on at Campaign page in Personal Cabinet: Modify Participants Info form.

Feb 05 - Feb 11, 2018   
ShareHolder Factory, Contract and Site
ShareHolder and ShareHolder Factory Contract are fully integrated with each other and their Web sites. ShareHolder Site can now be opened from the list of available contracts on ShareHolder Factory site, info for selected contract is passed and properly loaded.

It allows our sites to only display info for contracts that were created using OUR ShareHolder Factory.

Jan 29 - Feb 04, 2018   
Finalizing ICO Generator Service
ICO Generator service is going to be finalized and added to Bounty Campaign. It means that testing this service will be rewarded with bonus points that can be later transfered to tokens and shares.

Jan 15 - Jan 28, 2018   
ICO Generator is now a Beta version
Our ICO Generator is now an official Beta. The code compiles and runs under Solidity and we are about to announce a bounty for bugs found in code.

Jan 10, 2018   
Alpha version of Signature Scanner (for Bitcointalk) is released
A final version of a Signature Scanner is scheduled for release right before the pre-ICO.

What is Signature Scanner?

Many ICO Campaigns offer their tokens as a reward for posts on having signatures advertizing that ICO. Counting those posts and assigning reward to participants is a task that should be automated, so we did it.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Using Web site to invest
It is possible to "attach" a web page in Browser to a working wallet in order to gain access to both Internet (a nice site) and block chain (actual data). For example, our ICO Web page (this sort of pages is also called WEB DAO) is available at ICO page. Just make sure MetaMask is on.

The trick is, it is still MetaMask, all the Web page does is providing user friendly interface. When you enter all data and click "invest", MetaMask will catch up and ask for a confirmation.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Thanks for nice words.
Just register for Bounty campaign on our site.
Any suggestions and - especially! - bug reports are highly appreciated.

Good luck Smiley

P.S. Af for being Newbie - it is a curable condition Smiley Day or two of active commenting on a forum.
Besides, Newbie is only prohibited from participating in Signature campaign (as they have restricted signature), but in bug reports Bounty we make no distinctions.
jr. member
Activity: 115
Merit: 2
I am very much interested in this project. It seems unique compared to typical ICO posted in this forum. I have high hopes that it is also open for newbies like me.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Paying for gas

BEFORE sending ether anywhere, you have to make sure your transaction does not get stuck. See, in Ethereum system, you pay variable fee for transactions, the more you pay, the faster, the less you pay... it can even get stuck.

Go to Ethereum Gas Station to figure what is current gas price. IMPORTANT!!! Default values both MetaMask and MEW try using are way too small!
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Investing with MEW

MyEtherWallet is a professional tool, it has some very advanced features, and it is not an entry level program. However, most of ICOs recommend it, for an unknown reason.

Open MEW in your browser or download it from GIT (if you know how) and use locally. It has more than one way of storing data, I strongly suggest using "Keystore", which is essentially same Metamask does. Create a wallet, make sure your password is strong enough. Log in in "Send/Receive ether" section. You will see a form to send ether to an address...

After transfer is complete, click "tokens" and add token you just paid for: it is not "adding to wallet", it is just adding to the watch list.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Investing in our ICO

We are going to explain investing using two programs: MetaMask and MyEtherWallet. First is very easy to use, second is a professional tool. We'll also explain investing using a Web site.

Investing with MetaMask

Download and install MetaMask. MetaMask is a plugin for Chrome browser, and it takes about a minute to install it.

After the installation is complete, a fox icon appears on the upper-right side of a browser window. Click it and follow instructions. You will be asked to provide a password, so that your wallet (one you are about to create) can be encrypted. Make it reasonably strong.

Log in with a newly created password and find in a (very strangely organized) menus a "Create Account" item. By account (see above) they mean a pair of keys: private and public. Find (it is easier to find then to explain how to do it) the private key in MetaMask's menu and copy it to clipboard.

Now you need some ether. This tutorial is not about buying crypto currency, you can find plenty of "how to" guides online. One interesting option is an exchange that is built in a MetaMask itself.

When our ICO goes live, an address to send ether to will be published at ICO page. After money is transfered, go to MetaMask's "Tokens" tab and enter contract address, name (any, it is for you to see, but better to make it meaningful) and 0 as number of digits (anything from 0 to 18 will do, it is too, only for you to see).

Now you should be able to see your tokens, just give it some time as Ethereum transactions are far from being instant.


Our ICO provides tokens AND shares. Tokens are visible in MetaMask. Shares are only visible on our Web site (if you are a guru, you can extract this info from block chain as well). That is ok, just keep in mind that you have an extra bonus that isn't visible in MetaMask. We are going to talk about Web site later on this page.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Contracts and functions

Of course, if there is a way to make things complicated, people will make it complicated. A contract can have functions. What it means? Think of a "real life" company: a supermarket. You go there with your money, you pay... and that's not enough. You have to tell them what you are paying for. Sounds reasonable - for a supermarket. Strangelly, sometimes an ICO contract, that (unlike a supermarket) sells only one product (a token) does not "just take money", it wants you to send them to one of contract's functions.

That is not a big deal, but some wallets programs do not know how to do it and some require special knowleges. Lucky us, it does not happen very often, most ICO contracts can receive money, no questions asked.

To put is simple: if an ICO's "how to invest" page says "send money to an address", then you can use any wallet. If it says "use MyEtherWallet of Mist"... Well, your options are limited to these (very good but not entry level) wallet programs.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Two types of addresses
In a "real" world, when it comes to business, there are two types of acting entities: a person (physical entity) and a company (a legal entity). Mostly, though not always, they can do same things.

In an Ethereum world, same thing. An address can belong to a person, in this case it is a "physical" entity, or to a contract, which acts similar to a legal entity in business. A contract (just like a company) has some rules according to which it performs financial transactions.

Now to tokens. A token contract maintains the list of public addresses it received money from and tokens those money bought. It is like an electronic accounting book. Saying that you own 10 tokens of, say, VIB, means that VIB contract has a corresponding record, that's all.

Most of the time (if a contract is written properly) you can just send money to it, and that's all: a contract takes money and you are listed in its database. To make sure a transaction happened you can go to and enter your (public!) address. You will see that money moved to contract's address.
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