So did i understood this right that you have bought a market maker service for liquidity? Lately i have heard bad things about how these guys operate from insiders so i am worried.
Market maker is the most essential component of the financial market. There will be basically no efficient market without a market maker. They are everywhere and work with everyone: in exchanges, in banks, in brokers etc.
The term market maker can have a bad meaning because a market maker can decide whether to hedge or not the position they have against a trader. Meaning that a market maker will win if the trader loses.
Since retail traders are mostly losing, it is very common for the market maker to only trade against the retail trader, knowing that in the long term they will more money than ever.
The more the market maker trade against a user, the less fees there are since they make money with the losses of thousands of traders. So if you want a low fee or no-fee broker, you go with a market maker.
The risk is that the market maker can lose money if all the traders start winning. It happen in 2017 when BTC started its rally, many market makers have almost bankrupted.
The less market maker trade against you, the more fees there are
Most of the time market maker has 2 books, book A and B, and a shady book C sometimes
All the orders in the A Book are hedged so the role of the MM is to make money on the spread by quoting the asset on several places, hoping to win with the difference. Orders in the B Book are internalized, so the MM trade literally against its client. C Book is highly illegal but some broker do it
All the order there are replicated for the benefit of the MM.