what about this roadmap? as far as I'm reading, this is good and maybe I'm interested to follow it
CryptoBnb’s Has several strategies it will adopt to reach its market to ramp up market share
CryptoBnB ICO will start December 7th 2017– January 31st 2018 | 60 Million token allocated for Sale
ICO will be in 6 Tiers Model each with 1 week
During ICO CryptoBnB will have Roadshow in London, Dubai & Bangkok
CryptoBnB will initiate working Model during six weeks ICO.
CryptoBnB Team Will be mobilize during ICO
Token will b allocated within 2 weeks from close of ICO .
Tokens will be listed on an exchange chosen by CryptoBnB Inc. within 2-3 months from Tokens dispatch date.
Technology development will be in 3 Phases
Phase 1: MVP Delivery (06 Months after ICO)‘’Within six months of closing ICO CryptoBnB will deliver (MVP) Minimum Viable Product . The expected (MVP), that will be implemented first, will be a system that removes the cost of currency to currency exchange and increases the ease of payments, compared to the existing short-term rental systems. In addition to lower overall payment costs, escrow services will be part of the platform at no charge.
The MVP will also offer the beginnings of the specialized wallet, CryptoDNA, to help individuals fine tune their searches for rental properties, by meeting the wants of the traveler. Within the wallet for the MVP, there will also be space for comments and ratings. The wallet will be used by the host, the traveler, and the service provider. This wallet will function as the ID of the person, business, or property, along with the rating, and comments about each.
Phase 2 : AI, Big Data integration & Permissioned Block expansion(06 months)Right after MVP delivery ,within Six months Crypto BnB will Launch AL module plus Big Data Integration. Manual searches will be implemented in the minimum viable product, with Automated and AI assisted searches will follow. As the wallet becomes further developed, it will include user preferences, that the AI will be able to draw from, automatically.
The platform will also deploy AI, to search properties based on multi-dimensional metrics, such as personal preferences, previous customer reviews, property features, location and occupancy information, to allow users to list, discover, and book short-term rentals efficiently, on the platform.
From the first time a user interacts with CryptoBnB, through to the end of a booking, the platform will provide a range of tools, both online and offline, that will support users
Phase 3: Launch of P2P Marketing Module ( 06 Months)Peer to peer (P2P) marketing encourages customers to engage other customers, by advocating a product or service to friends or associates. The keywords extracted from CryptoDNA, will be utilized to flag peers that could potentially collaborate, to further market the platform. The power of AI and big data, combined with permission blocks, enable the platform to be able to assist both travelers and hosts and zoom in on their target markets, by extracting keywords from public CryptoDNA. Travelers and hosts will be able to select their targets based on locations, spending habits, social status and ratings.
CryptoDNA will enable P2P marketing to intelligently update constantly changing tastes and preferences, and will enhance ROI to advertisers, due to their ability to constantly provide targeted marketing.
Fully Running Platform One & Half Year
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