[ANN][ALT][ALTCOIN][Adaptive N-factor][Scrypt][Random Coins][Auto Connect][No ASICs] [ENJOY IT]
FINALLY, ALTCOIN come out!!! (Prior suggestion thread: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/idea-altcoin-new-crypto-coin-needs-your-suggestions-392853)
We create a new cryptocoin with integration of many features from other cryptocoins, we name this new coin as "ALTCOIN" which means it combines many good features from other alt coins.
Official Website: ALTCOIN DOT WS
What is ALTCOIN?
ALTCOIN is a cryptographic currency, similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin, with one major difference. As the forerunner of the digital currency movement, the original Bitcoin developers were unable to perceive all potential threats that would arise to challenge it's mission as a decentralized currency.
Millions of dollars were spent by various companies to build application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) computers in an attempt to monopolize mining. These devices made it so GPUs and CPUs were no longer useful in the mining process. As a result, the vast majority of Bitcoin mining and transactions would now be processed by large data centers that required hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars in investment.
Now that Bitcoin computational power is handled almost entirely by large data centers, the currency has rapidly changed from a distributed, decentralized currency, to one that is much more centralized and vulnerable. Companies such as Cex.io are routinely hitting 40% PoW computational power on a daily basis, and will soon be able to perform 51% attacks at will, if they so choose.
Due to the problems ASIC chips brought on the digital currency platform, a new currency, Litecoin was created. Litecoin attempted to utilize the Scrypt hashing algorithm, which is more memory intensive than SHA256, to deter ASIC use. As of January 2014, there are now Scrypt ASIC chips being deployed by the Chinese for mining. So far, around 1000 Mhash of Gridseed ASIC chips have been brought online and used on the litecoin and middlecoin.com network.
The Chinese chips have not been released on the greater market at large, but eventually they will, and the same problems that SHA256 currency faces will come to the Litecoin and other Scrypt currency networks next.
ALTCOIN also add random block reward mechanism.
Where does ALTCOIN fit into this?
Scrypt was utilized by Litecoin to try and deter ASIC use because large memory requirements are the best way to try and make ASIC financially unfeasible. Litecoin held out for a while, but the original memory requirements in the barebone litecoin distribution were just not high enough to lock out ASIC completely.
ALTCOIN has now been released as the logical evolution of Litecoin and introduces what's known as "Adaptive N-Factor". The N-factor component of Scrypt determines how much memory is required to compute the hashing functions. ALTCOIN N-factor increases with time to stay one step ahead of any possible ASIC development.
For the long, foreseeable future, GPU computing will be the fastest method of computation for ALTCOIN, but CPU computation will eventually make gains as N-factor increases.
Due to the large demand for having a more ASIC proof currency ( https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ltc-changing-the-litecoin-proof-of-work-function-to-avoid-asic-mining-359323 ), ALTCOIN was created using Litecoin as a base, and has an adaptive N-factor applied based on the timestamp of blocks generated. Instead of using a fixed value of 10, such as Litecoin does, the ALTCOIN N-factor begins at 11 and gradually increases over time using the following schedule:
| N | Memory | Timestamp | Date/Time | |
| 2048 | 256 kB | 1389306217 | Thu, 09 Jan 2014 22:23:37 GMT | |
| 4096 | 512 kB | 1456415081 | Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:44:41 GMT | |
| 8192 | 1 MB | 1506746729 | Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:45:29 GMT | |
| 16384 | 2 MB | 1557078377 | Sun, 05 May 2019 17:46:17 GMT | |
| 32768 | 4 MB | 1657741673 | Wed, 13 Jul 2022 19:47:53 GMT | |
| 65536 | 8 MB | 1859068265 | Tue, 28 Nov 2028 23:51:05 GMT | |
| 131072 | 16 MB | 2060394857 | Tue, 17 Apr 2035 03:54:17 GMT | |
| 262144 | 32 MB | 2463048041 | Sun, 19 Jan 2048 12:00:41 GMT | |
| 524288 | 64 MB | 2999918953 | Fri, 23 Jan 2065 06:49:13 GMT | |
| 1048576 | 128 MB | 3536789865 | Wed, 28 Jan 2082 01:37:45 GMT | |
| 2097152 | 256 MB | 5684273513 | Mon, 16 Feb 2150 04:51:53 GMT | |
| 4194304 | 512 MB | 7831757161 | Sat, 07 Mar 2218 08:06:01 GMT | |
| 8388608 | 1 GB | 9979240809 | Thu, 25 Mar 2286 11:20:09 GMT | |
| 16777216 | 2 GB | 16421691753 | Fri, 19 May 2490 21:02:33 GMT | |
| 33554432 | 4 GB | 22864142697 | Sun, 15 Jul 2694 06:44:57 GMT | |
Technical Details:
Algorithm: Scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor (Not scrypt-jane)
Symbol : ALT
Max Coins: 4294967296 (2^36) altcoins.
Block time: 1 minutes
Subsidy halves every 131,072 ( 2^17) blocks (~3 moths)
Difficulty Re-Target Time: 18 minutes
Block Rewards: Random as shown in the following table:
block number
| Block No. | Reward | |
|---------- |--------------|---|
| 1 to 131072 | rand[1,256] | | (2^8)
| 131073 to 262144 | rand[1,128] | | (2^7)
| 262145 to 524288 | rand[1,64] | | (2^6)
| 524289 to 1048576 | rand[1,32] | | (2^5)
| 1048577 to 2097152 | rand[1,16] | | (2^4)
| ................. | ....... | |
random up range halves every 131072 blocks (about 3 months)
minimum block reward is 1 ALT
Auto connect to ALTCOIN network without config.
Port: P2P 32767, RPC 32768
Premine: First 128 (2^7) blocks for checkpoints
Need Volunteers.
How to Mine:
1) GPU mine using CGminer modified for ALTCOIN support (currently fastest method):
1. Windows Version http://sdrv.ms/1ejj5Av , use the command: ALTMiner --scrypt -o -u user -p pass -I 12 or you can use mine.bat in the zip file directly.
2) CPU mine with wallet (currently slowest method):
1. Open ALTCOIN Wallet
2. Choose Help
3. Select Debug window
4. Select Console
5. Type “setgenerate true
6. Type "getmininginfo" to see hashrate
1. http://alt.178pool.com 1% fees, thanks to dear zhaolang (https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/zhaolang-229722)
1. Wallet: http://sdrv.ms/1fURUPc
2. Source Code: https://github.com/altcoinproject/altcoin
3. GPU Miner: http://sdrv.ms/1ejj5Av
4. GPU Miner Source code: https://github.com/altcoinproject/altcoin/tree/master/altcoin_gpu_miner
Trading and Exchange:
Not Yet.
All suggestion are welcome, you can contact with me using [email protected] .
Wish ALTCOIN has a glorious future!