More useful-looking code: am wondering how much of an advertising budget folks looking to sell storage space are willing to spend to find customers for such a service; what percentage of gross earnings will it take to maintain a given level of gross earnings or even increase gross earnings? What percent commissions should people who actually manage to bring a paying customer get, and should it be only a percentage of the actual payment they convince the customer to make instead of an on-going percent, so that salespeople will be motivated to keep in touch with customers encouraging them to renew when their initial payment has been exhausted?
It is all very well to say lets bring those looking for money together with those who have money and want to spend it, but the competition these days for people who even merely have money or might have money, let alone are actually willing to spend it, has gotten a lot more intense, and more expensive, than back in the gravy-train raining-soup days of the very very late twentieth century.
Thus budgeting for purchase of marketing from outsiders (buying adsense ads facebook ads and so on conceivably, maintaining email capture landing-pages and professional third party mailing-list services, purchase of raw hits, etc etc etc), and/or actual marketing by insiders - surfing manual-surf traffic-exchanges? Running auto-surfs in browsers 24/7? Or merely contributing money to pay for professional marketing?
I guess the implication here is am not seeing a whole lot of "heck yes I'll buy X gigabytes a month at Y bitcoins a month per gigabyte" type of comments so I am dubious of finding much paying demand.
Reverting to the Treasure Map model was largely because of having that impression; I had drifted toward lets see who is still online in a few months of freely sharing and see how many months consistent reliable storage hosts will end up having to be online before starting to see people actually offering money instead of merely offering storage of their own. I have also, y'see, an impression that people are more willing to offer storage than to offer money thus if they are reluctant to even make their storage available it is even less likely they will ever actually make any of their money available.
Maybe those with bitcoins can demonstrate control of addresses with bitcoins in them for a few months to show they not only have coin but are disciplined enough to still have coin a month or few down the line, while those who have space can demonstrate they not only have space but it can be utilised and still has in it in a month or few what was entrusted to it, then maybe we can get a better idea of whether this is going to be a workable matchmaking project?
Bearing in mind that if we can do this with off the rack software and already existing networks which might have "network effects" of their own already, the potential paying customers might well notice that what we have come up with could probably work sufficiently well without paying any actual money. Afterall look at the numbers of people doing bitswarming already, each "seeder" providing storage already if only while their own downloading is happening.
The only example we have encountered so far of someone who actually needs space but has none to offer turns out to be probably better served by begging borrowing or stealing a spare disk drive from her brother, so is not actually a case study in favour of this project afterall...
Maybe in reality most use-cases of wanting/needing
off-site storage tend to be not really for storage at all but actually for sharing (with oneself and/or others), the desire to get the data off the site being to have it somewhere all one's friends can look at it and enjoy it and so on, you oneself can access it from anywhere and so on, thus maybe tend to be more about bandwidth in a way than storage?
Maybe those looking to make money with their storage capacity would be best off stocking it with content many people want but not quite enough people for that specific content to already be 24/7 available for free?