Anyone around here did tested the Idena mobile app, I mean did anyone tried to validate his node on mobile? How everything worked, anything I should know. I will be away for a fishing trip next validation and I don't want to cut 1 day off from this vacation and I want to try the app to get validated.
Any feedback is much appreciated!
We have channel on discord for my_idena. There I have seen that some people have done last validation and one before succesfully, only thing that was buggy is:
Neotame: Ok, i finished, same problem with loading flips on start but quick reloding of the app fixed the problem
RedDwarf: Yes me too... after reloading it’s ok..."
This member had some issue:
Bugaga: I haven't succeed. I got empty flips, and a force quit didn't help.
Can't post pictures here
I have Redmi 7 Note"
If I was you, I would rather consider installing AnyDesk on both smartphone and PC where you have idena and do validation that way.
Also, we are eagarly waiting for a web client from idena developers, it's in active development. Not sure, but maybe we get some working version before next validation.
Follow idena Announcment channel on telegram to stay in loop.