The question then is why would 272.000 people hold 25 BTC each?
To have them like in a wallet to pay for goods. not an invvenient way once things start moving from more shops. It is VERY inconvenient to wire some funds into an excahgne then wait for the BTC to clear just to amke an order - even if not hoding them for value, a certain amount of "wallet" has to be.
I completely agree. There's a big catch though and I mentioned it in my post. We need services in bitcoins that make sense for random people to go out and hold these coins in their wallets. Random Joe won't care about bitcoin if he can pay for the same service with $us if the price would be same. Why would he bother holding 25 BTC in his wallet if he already has a *wallet* that he can use on the same site for the same product. His current *wallet* is called credit card.
Cluster2k understands what is going on, he was even being a bit polite. Majority, read (90%+) wants bitcoin to first rise in value, so they would be worth more in fiat, then as a result some of this majority would use bitcoins with the rest of the worlds users. Right now there is only a small group of people that want to use bitcoin for its designed functionality. This two groups aren't 50:50. It's more like 98% of people that are in the bitcoin right now just/only wants it to be worth more in $$. This is the reason why outsiders see bitcoin as a ponzi scheme. The vast majority of bitcoin user base only wants OTHERS to keep buying coins, because as a result price would rise. It's that simple. Services and bitcoin functionality doesn't matter to this group that much. It's nice what it can do, but it would be 10000x cooler if bitcoins would rise in value to lets say $500 per coin and they could sell it to the greater fool and finally feel/think like they are worth something in the fiat world.
Bitcoin project needs a sea of service that make sense and some of the best services should be so hardcore that they only accept bitcoins, so a random Joe needs to go out his way to be able to buy that product. Later on when bitcoin would be widely used every service that sells in bitcoins should offer discounts if users pay with them instead of fiat money. Until then this is just a niche project for a super limited small group that has a big dream of making it big in the real world with a simple thing caller mining. A thing which almost anyone can do and its product, bitcoins sell for 600% of the production cost.