For a transaction with 6 inputs (5 dust + 1 big input) and 1 output, the size should be about 930 bytes. So, I just need 54 confirmations on a 10btc output to make the transaction priority over 57,600,000. In that sense, I should be able to slowly reduce the number of dusts day by day without any bitcoin fee but only some time cost lol.
Yes, if you are willing to set aside a single 10 BTC output to use for consolidating dust, every 9 hours you could possibly consolidate 5 dust inputs. If you spend 1 hour picking up 1 output per second, you'll have 3600 outputs to consolidate. Therefore, if you remember to consolidate them every 9 hours, it will take you about 6,480 hours (270 days) to consolidate your 0.054 BTC.
Of course, you're spending a lot more than 1 second per output in the effort now. There have to be faster, easier, and better ways to earn $20 in 9 months.