The only kick for activation came from the 2x promise / NYA.
Was the community represented in the NYA? No, running full nodes rejecting "2X" did.
Wanting to ignore this makes u full retard ponzi scammer.
This is proof
Not proof, troll harder.
Newbies, listen to HV, and learn. The hard way.
Learning is mostly a hard way. All is proof of work. Bitcoin does teach u this in a very nice and strict way.
Everybody needs to do own reseach as much as possible also to find out that Bitcoin is a perfect tool to store the truth and enables trust and honesty in the internet where this was missing before.
This is also the reason why there is a need to put permanently work into keeping the protocol clean , stable and on purpose. Put all efforts and work for onchain scaling cause this is the only true place for the ultimative truth.
All ur little changers of that do not want this and have other agendas off truth by wanting off chain crap which is not Bitcoin but the old crap we had before. It is normal that closed minds work such retarded, fall back into their old home they knew and scam others by stealing the name of Bitcoin.
I m here ONLY for that real Bitcoin.
If it is clean and simple as a Singularity must be, its use and value is infinite.