I can give you some advice that worked for me. I bought a bunch of bitcoins when the price was very low. < Example : 20 bitcoins @ $200 ==> My capital investment = $ 4000 > I knew that I needed to reduce my risk, so I waited for the price to rise. The price went up to $400 per bitcoin and I sold 50% of the coins immediately. < Now, I had the $4000 in fiat that I initially invested and 10 extra bitcoins. >
The risk of losing my initial capital investment is gone now and I can take some risks and even more profits from the remaining coins. The price went to $1000 and I sold 50% again < taking $5000 pure profit and still have 5 coins left > The price dropped again and I bought some more bitcoins with 50% of my profits in fiat at $500, bringing my total back to 10 bitcoins and $2500 profit in fiat.
I sold 50% of those coins again at $1500 pushing my profits up to $10 000 and I am left with 5 coins.
*This is only an example, the amount of bitcoins I bought and the amount of money I invested is my secret to protect my financial privacy, but you can learn from this strategy. Get rid of the risk first and then take chances. ^smile^
This is such a nice advice really. You are the first one who I have seen doing this compared to others regretting that what if and some of them spend it. Since we know that the future is indefinite and the expectation of Bitcoin at that time is not that much without knowing that the price will rise this high then I could say you have gone into a safe play which really benefited you in the long run. As for me, I wish I have known Bitcoin since then though I don't meddle so much in what ifs and what I'm focusing now is what I can do today so that the time I spend thinking of what ifs will become productive and make use of it in a great manner. I salute you for that wise decision sir.
Thank you for the kind compliment. Just remember not everyone might be as lucky as I might be, but also remember no investment comes with zero risk. You just need to manage these risks and reduce it in any way you can.
It is never too late for someone to follow my strategy. The Bitcoin price has shown that it always goes down after a big spike. < timing is everything > Wait for the price to go down and start buying some coins when the price is much lower. Then WAIT!
The price usually goes up again, so you can sell some coins to get some of your initial investment back and still have some coins to play with. ^smile^ < Rinse and repeat, until you have all your initial money back and then start taking bigger risks with the profits you made >
Enjoy it, I hope it works for everyone in the future.