nakamura12! You have done so well, I have checked some of your topics, you are good, continue being useful for us on the forum, you will rank up to Hero and then to legendary. I appreciate the reference, I am content with it. Let us continue posting quality and authentic posts, and see us ranked up to hero.
I was trying to contribute something to the forum but was so scared and didn't know how to properly write it in a topic.
There is nothing hard about writing a topic or post generally, if you have not done it before, it can be hard, but practice makes perfection, I can see you ranking up, which means you can do it too like some ranked members once told me, the more you go the better you are. I believe you can see difference now from when you started, that you are better than before. Just be free, communicate what you think, if you are wrong in some aspect, experienced members will correct you, and listening is a requisite to progression on this forum and in many aspect of life. You are good, you do not have to be scared, fear will get you no where than making you not to progress the way you should. Be free.