Is intentional sabotage illegal in any wa?One scenario is that a company sabotages bitcoin in order to kill off competition. Paypal might consider this for example. What is the weakest link in terms of sabotaging bitcoin? In particular is it easier to target the.mining process or verificatoon by the bitcoin client?
No single company has the resources to kill off Bitcoin, a government with a few hundred million could build a card manufacturing plant, and pump out the cards in the needed volume. But that would take years of preparation. Even if they started today no entity on earth could take over the block chain in less than 6 months.
This is ridiculous. Ebay owns paypal and has a market cap of 43 billion. That is about 4000 times as much money as the appromiximate 10 million required to disrupt block processing. If they want to they could stop bitcoin within a month. It is chump change to them. If they took bitcoin as a serious threat they would probably have been killed it off already.
It would be a lot more than that
Cost is not the limiting factor when it comes to preforming a 51% attack, taking over the block chain is cheap, the problem is getting the cards. As it is the small mining community has already made a major impact in the supply of high end ATI cards, it would take months for any person to get their hands on enough cards to preform a serious attack. Any attempt to acquire such a large number of cards so quickly would throw up red flags all over the place and give the nation under attack ample time to prepare. Any nation attacking Bitcoin would bring it into the eyes of the mainstream media, with more attention comes more miners using already purchased hardware to mine. In attempting to take over the network within any reasonable span of time a nation would bring enough attention to itself to increase the security of the network. The fact is they just dont make the high-end cards fast enough for them to get their hands on even 30,000 within a year.
To run a mining farm of 30.000 superpumped 3x6990 rigs (that will do 3X the actual hash power) you need at least 500 full time employees (in 6 month at least 30 million $), (Godaddy has 1500 technical employees for 60.000 servers)
There are energy bill to pay even if is a governative installation (at least 20Million $ for 6 month paying 0,05$/KWh). Add a good 10 million $ of network infrastructure and connectivity (I don't calculate a redundant 10GBit connection to internet assuming a govern can obtain it almost for free) . UPS and backup generator will cost you another 50-60 million $ (we are talkin of a 90MW, a small power plant - a similar one, highly ecological, built 4-5 years ago costs about 200M$). The cooler must be really efficient to work in a similar environment (one rig produce 1,5KW of heat, like a powerful server with 8CPU and 24 disks. But no server farm hosts 30.000 of that servers for what I know ): at least 30M$.
The 30.000 rigs wil cost at least 40 million $ (I've considered a 20%-25% less than the wholesaler prices, probably lower than the price you can have buying a bigger stock directly from producers, and with no assembly cost).
Total: 200M$, plus the building, the connectivity, the security (both from hackers and physical assaults). If you're in hurry to build it you can easily double the costs.
Overall if a govern wants to kill bitcoin, it's still a small investment to do.
So, no one can get the cards that fast, and even if they could facility costs alone would be 10 times more than your estimate. Now assuming that the attacking group was patient they would wait for a few years while they build up the needed supply of cards, of course buying that many cards would bring attention to Bitcoin, and with that attention comes more mining, meaning that their goal becomes higher the more cards they try to buy, and there is no guarantee that the network would not move to dedicated hardware that trumps graphics cards when they where in the middle of collection.
The only way to escape this paradox and get the cards within any reasonable time spawn would be to build their own factory dedicated to the production of high end gpus or dedicated hardware. Building a factory is complicated, they require clean rooms and millions in state of the art equipment, as well as large amounts of expensive materials to build. Producing their own cards may be the only way to preform this attack without alerting us, but it is also much much more expensive.
Both approaches require lots of prep time, one to build up cards the other to build factories.