Your thinking is not wrong when loans from banks always force us to pay monthly profits, besides, trading has no concept of absolute success, so we will have a lot of pressure, from making a profit, avoiding loss and paying interest to the bank but we still need to remember that trading is not completely gambling when we have the knowledge, and no investment is 100% guaranteed. If the risk could be doubled, the profits would correspond, even more when we make money in the crypto market, therefore, with sufficient confidence in the skills, this option may still be considered
Yes, trading does not actually have fixed profits but the profits a experienced trader can have in trading are quite higher than the amount of interest we would need to pay so it would always be profitable to take loan from banks at 10% to 20% interest rate and earn 40% to 100% in few months in leverage or margin trading if having experience.
Risk is constant here so you should always have a backup plan before proceeding with any such deal because you might even need to pay excess charges from your pocket if ever you face constant loss by simultaneously hitting your stop loss or liquidation price, etc.