If you do it, your best bet is to go into the future. Do it inside a glider that can enter the atmosphere and glide to the earth safely. That way, if the earth ever catches up to the position you are at, you will be ready to glide back.
Odds are, however, that you will be taking your planetary motion with you, along with your time movement. This means that you will be completely lost in space once you get there, always a little ahead of the earth, or - if you go past - a little behind it.
Be careful about jumping only a split second. You just might wind up inside the earth. Don't know what would happen with your material trying to occupy the same position that some other material is occupying. But it might cause such a nuclear explosion that it would knock the whole earth over into the next solar system, or something.
space and time are like intertwined. so if you go back on the same time line, it's not gonna like separate the space-time portions