I think that the best investment today is the one that brings 50% per annum.
Diamond looks very attractive to the investment portfolio.
to date, no bank will give you a such a high return on contributions
...but it also has 50% inflation built in. Seemingly, it would cancel out any gains
you take. How is that a good deal?
new design coin rollout picture 2015.06.28
we are actual in the phase where POW rewards already reduced but POS still is for lot months at 50%
but it wont stay on this rate forever as u can see its a constant decrease of inflation
coin rollout pic 2015.05.14
(TOTAL COINS AND POW/POS COINS PER MONTH)RED LINE = new coins each month produced by POW (numbers on right side)
GREEN LINE = new coins produced each month by POS (numbers on right side)
TOTAL COINS (numbers on left side)
numbers on bottom of graphic are the months (the graphic represent a 30 year timeline)
but keep a closer eye on coin specs and check how coin roll-out will develop over next 30 years
beginning with total coins 450000 a 50% POS will be simultaneous active with the 1 DMD POW reward each block
and start the diamond rush
(BLUE CIRCLE) on pic
if u analyze that u can see that this POW mining paradise only last a few months
(to be exact until 1 million total diamond are existing)
later most of coins are produced by
POS (GREEN ARROW) and to do so u need to have diamonds
everyone who sell 1 diamonds instant lose like at least 2 diamonds.....
because every diamond u mine now would at least double if u keep holding and pos it over time
the whole design of
diamond is to be a
wealth storage coin aimed to be a
good investmenti hope this visualization of coin specs long-term effect of on coin roll-out
can help u realize how valuable diamonds will be once POW is reduced by 90%
and high POS will be main source of coin creation
coins are required to create more coins (POS)will be the reason for lower availability of coins on exchanges and increasing prices
remember only coins in ur wallet gather coin-age and can generate POS rewards