If you are starting a business, then the first thing you need to do is think positive.
Not only in trading or businesses, one needs to have a positive attitude towards everything they do in life, that's how you tackle problems without letting them affect you or things related to you including a business or a work that you are doing.
If you have negative thoughts before trading and are not patient, you will never be successful in trading. If you can eliminate and control your emotions and negative thoughts, you can become a successful and experienced trader.
Well, patience is needed, of course. One can't be emotionally unstable and still manage to take the best decisions for their trades or anything that they are doing. That's why, when someone is trading, they need to have a lot of control over their emotions and thoughts.
If you trade patiently then you can definitely increase your profit and if you are emotional then you will never be able to earn.
One might be able to earn, but that will make them not take the best decisions at the right time which might make them lose a lot of juicy opportunities.
Most people can't succeed in business only because they don't control their emotions and patience, that's why they need to influence these things properly first.
A decision influenced by emotions will barely turn out to be a good one, so, what you said is right.