Oh, but you did. If you bought a Single, you spent rougly 200 BTC for a place in line, and when BFL starts shipping, they'll go through all pre-orders pretty quick. Someone ordering today will get their rig at nearly the same time, but it'll only cost them 100 BTC. BFL suckered you into giving them an extra 100 BTC for nothing.
That's an interesting (albeit somewhat harsh) way of looking at it. So is an early pre-order spot worth 100+BTC? I wonder...
Assuming that BFL can put out about 21THash / week (their claim), you would need to be roughly within the first 2 batches to go out for it to be worth the 100BTC hole you start out with, assuming that BFL ships first, and capacity goes online in discret 21THash chunks/week, rather than continuous addition as they suggest they will do after first batch of ?? Thash. Or in other words, it would be cost-effective to cancel your spot in the pre-orders and re-order today if you are later than that in the pre-order list and originally paid with bitcoin.
Does Tom suffer from this same issue?
#s wise, the third batch only makes roughly 96BTC back before the late order comes online. This is of course subject to a great deal of supposition regarding timing of orders, and rate of fulfillment