I have to agree with the OP and call for the Bitcoin community to boycott Apple, particularly IOS; however I must say this boycott needs to be extended also to Windows Phone / Windows RT. Apple has indeed become Big Brother and IOS platform has effectively become the telescreen of the 21st century. Microsoft with Windows 8 RT / Windows phone has decided to emulate Apple here is currently little brother. The boycott needs also to be applied also against Windows 8 RT / Windows phone to prevent this little brother from becoming another Big Brother. The fundamental problem lies with the requirement that only software obtained from an authorised store may be installed on these devices. The crucial difference with Android is that end users on Android can elect to allow the installation of applications from out side the Android Market / Play Store on their devices.
We must first consider that when Satoshi developed Bitcoin a critical assumption was made in that the end user of a computing device would have complete control over the computing device. This assumption is still for the most part correct on the desktop / laptop platforms (although it is currently being eroded by Apple and Microsoft) but is far from the case on mobile. This is critical for the security of Bitcoin. Furthermore what exactly is the point of eliminating the banks as third parties in financial transactions if the vendor of the operating system becomes the all controlling third party?
The history of the IOS platform is literally one of censorship and oppression. Bitcoin is only a very recent addition to the Apple censorship list. To understand how pervasive Apple censorship has become one only needs to search for Apple Censorship. Furthermore, and this should be a warning in particular to Libertarians, this type of censorship by the private sector easily becomes a tool for state sponsored censorship and oppression.
http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/apple-blocks-app-developed-chinese-activists-and-radio-netherlands-worldwide-0. Let us not forget that this is an example of using the DRM built into IOS to assist the state in censoring the Internet.
Should the boycott also apply to the desktop version Max OS X? While at this point the censorship still does not apply to the desktop we must keep in mind that most of Apple is already taking some steps towards censorship on the desktop in particular with gatekeeper. Given Apple's commercial success with IOS the temptation of extending it to the desktop may simply be to great in the future.
But what about Microsoft? Windows 8 RT has thankfully turned out to be a dud in the marketplace largely because of the locked bootloader and the requirement that only applications obtained from the approved store may be installed on Windows 8 RT. The has led to a close to 1 billion USD loss for Microsoft on Windows 8 RT devices. Unfortunately Microsoft is responding to this loss not by getting rid of the DRM and lockdown on Windows 8 RT but instead by dropping the licensing fee.
http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/11/5199446/microsoft-considers-free-versions-windows-phone-windows-rt This could potentially pose a threat to Bitcoin, if Microsoft floods the market with cheap locked down devices that behave like the telescreen in George Orwell's 1984.
The best solution is Operating Systems that are Free Libre Open Source Software. GNU/Linux, Android, Free BSD etc. If the operating system contains GPL V3 code, as is currently the case with GNU/Linux but not with Android, then this provides protection against a locked bootloader. For this reason in the case of Android it is very important to first verify that one can “root” the device before purchase.
Some will say that Bitcoin needing for certain business models to fail, is a negative aspect of Bitcoin. The reality is that at a very fundamental level Bitcoin is incompatible with censorship, oppression, the suppression of free speech, the suppression of civil liberties, in fact the suppression of most basic human rights. If a particular business model depends on censorship, oppression, the suppression of free speech, the suppression of civil liberties, the suppression of any of the most basic human rights then it needs to fail, for far more important reasons than Bitcoin. If Bitcoin helps bring it down then this must be considered a feature and not a flaw of Bitcoin.