If I Am rich im still gamble first is for fun purposes only but if I will win this is a big luck to me.If I am rich.
I am certain with you, because i always say that gambling is a game for richest people, i also have a dream, if i will be a rich in future, than i will play gambling in daily basis, only for make fun and enjoyment. But now whenever i am playing gambling than i never have fun feeling, i have only excitement feeling and fear of loss, and in that time i have thinking whenever i become rich, than i have no fear of loss money.
Yes you also said which is on my mind.Gambling is for those who are already pretty rich or have that much money that they can afford to loose.
Because in gambling is 100% sure that the gambler will loose more often than not so he/she must be pretty rich for that and they can afford to loose them and its not recommended for those who cannot afford to loose the amount that they gamble.
When you are rich, you can have a big bankroll which is very ideal because you can create many sessions. Sessions = Chances of becoming more lucky.
Having only 1 session is on one chance to get lucky. Having many sessions, you will like being lucky multiple times.
Let us say, the rich can allocate $1,000,000 as initial bankroll (which he/she can afford to lose) that million bankroll can then be divided into 10 so, per session is $100,000. That rich man is now have 10 chances to get lucky compared to betting all that one million in just 1 session.