If I were you, I would definitely buy Bitcoin now.
yeah..I tell people I recommend 'attic mining' you sell crap from the attic on eBay than buy BTC or crypto with such...this, of course, is stuff you otherwise would NOT
have been motivated to sell on eBay and likely would die with.
but in my case, it is 'equip' I already roi'd on..I'd like to turn on as the last hurrah...but yeah...bringing home about 10% of the price you spent on electric for the month
and LTC continues to pump..you should only HODL...in that electric is a BILL and the same amount of electric in LTC is actual LTC in hand....safer...
but again, if the price of say LTC was to go around $175 and everyone turned their bitmain L3+'s back on and such and as a result of NO new asic equipment for scrypt
of any scale yet...you'd have 2 things 1) 6-8 months before you were blown out of the water by new equipment and difficulty and 2) most miners HODL in such
circumstances so that would also increase the FOMO and price of LTC IMHO. Not saying it is gonna happen, but has done so in the past for nice stable mining $$$ out
of the sky ..back in the day.
but yeah, sell crap you don't need for LTC or BTC or whatever crypto and/or what you can afford to lose makes more sense yet.
But if $175 LTC price comes back and looks stable and difficulty flattens out..the stuff I own is 'turned back on'. But buying new scrypt equip or used off eBay..er nope indeed.