Forget FOMO.
What's at play here is RAHMO... regrets at having missed out.
Actually, people that have any regrets about anything related to bitcoin don't understand the whole point of it being a currency/exchange of value. It has to be continuously bought, exchanged, and used whether some years ago, yesterday, now, tomorrow, 5/10/20+ years from now, and forever in the future, AT WHATEVER THE EXCHANGE RATE IS AT THE MOMENT.
This whole idea of missing out on Bitcoin is like saying "You know I had a chance to buy and use some [USD/Gold/Oil/whatever] some 40 years ago, but I completely missed out back then. So I've never used it since and I'm not going to use it now."
At $1 people used bitcoin.
At $750 people are using bitcoin.
And at whatever the exchange rate will be in the future, people will still be using bitcoin (and since deflationary, I'm sure that the future exchange rate will be higher).
There is no "missing the boat", because the boat is continuous.