many dont need to imagine
most early adopters actually realised that bitcoin has no arms, no legs and no voice. we realised bitcoin was just code. and so we did not sit there imagining bitcoin phoning our local stores and arranging appointments and getting on planes to come to our hometowns and talk to our local stores.
instead WE went to OUR stores and WE convinced OUR stores to accpet bitcoin
so if YOU are imagining YOUR future where YOUR primary currency in YOUR local store is bitcoin. then it will need to be YOU that talks to YOUR store.
dont sit and imagine bitcoin growing legs and a voice to do it for you.
if you dont have the savvi business mindset to talk to businesses about how bitcoin can benefit your local store. take this advice
1. organise a local meetup of like minded bitcoiners in your area. the more that turn up the better as it shows there is a demand for wanting local stores to sell things for btc.
2. find the confident ones that can talk about the benefits of bitcoin.
3. organise or research how that store can swap its BTC back to fiat or pay staff/suppliers in BTC. this might be as simple as one of the meetup members who wants to buy btc often just buy it off the store manager hand to hand. or just learning how to sign a store up to a payment/merchant service like bitpay/coinbase.
then approach the store with the advantages, including demoing how easy it makes things
if each town/city done this. then you would see store/merchant adoption increase faster/sooner. and definetly in your home town if you help make it happen in your town