I'm not campaigning for "moderacy" neither any "liberal" party in this site and more importantly: I have no time for such stuff. I just said what I think everybody is already aware of:
Gregory Maxwell is the lead developer of the client software that is, almost exclusively, used in bitcoin, he has enough power to follow his visions and philosophy both personally because of his expertise and socially because of his social capital. He doesn't need a moderation position in this forum to do or not to do anything about bitcoin.
On the other hand, Bitcointalk is not the official site of Gregory Maxwell neither a representative of his visions. Reserving "bitcoin" brand for the legacy/not-forked blockchain with its huge market share is best practice and has nothing to do with any biased moderation policy in this site, IMO and it is the most favor bitcointalk could and have ever done for Core devs, i.e. Nothing!
So, bitcointalk shouldn't look like being "their site" because it is not! It is what Greg understands and puts him in a bad situation: Every move he makes as a moderator in this site is considered a political move and he needs to re-think it over and over. It is not good for Maxwell neither for bitcointalk.