Entrepreneurship education in the education curriculum is important for opening mindsets, learning to argue with logic and facts without emotion. Education is important to make someone pursing ideas, with an orderly scientific method. Helping someone make the right priorities. Then there are also majors that really have to go to college.
Now back to the person, as you said, you don't want to be in a comfort zone. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the mentality so that you have the courage to do something. Knowledge can be obtained from anywhere, but what is called learning requires a teacher.
Education does not guarantee you and me to move on to start developing potential and instead education only learns to understand the curriculum in logic according to theory, in developed countries education is only an introduction to learning science and in fact they no longer follow a curriculum based on watching learning and its nature stay in class or room. Likewise with vocational schools and if individuals do not try to get out of their comfort zone then the education they get at school means nothing.
If you have ever heard that the blood of a businessman is usually passed on to his children and most of the people around him that I have seen it is true. Although in other cases people who have no business history in their families also have the opportunity to develop when they are diligent and never give up. So what should you do? Dare to take action and want to fight out of the comfort zone.
A mindset like this that must be changed when studying is not just looking for a GPA, but looking for friends who can be invited to collab to make new things. Because it's true, maybe it's not just in your country that there are still many 99.9% of people who go through education, it turns out that they just want to graduate quickly with a good GPA and then get a diploma to find work. This has to be changed, we have to have the courage to get out of our comfort zone, don't expect jobs from the government, but we have to have the courage to open our own business as you mentioned above.
A diploma is only valid when you work in a developing country and vice versa you will be treated differently in a developed country which does not require a diploma to work. This is in line with the previous view, that a diploma is just a legality that we have attended school or college. But I agree that if the University is used to build relationships while studying and when we graduate those relationships will be used to encourage our business to grow.