Coming from a web background of over 20 years, you may want to make your site a little more visitor friendly.
1. not require a login, this isnt a piss contest for most members on a site
2. show what you are getting and price
3. what is required to run this equipment.
4. details
There is a detailed setup guide
here which does not require a log on and
is linked on the front page of the site. You only need to sign up if you actually want to buy something. And all you need to do to sign up is pick a username and password, no email is required. And the price is listed here in the thread.
There's also a note on the page indicating that the design
isn't final. I spent most of my time prior to announcing the site working on the documentation, so that people who actually bought the products could use them, and obviously putting the product index on the front page of the store is part of the plan, but it's not a high priority item. It's also more complicated then you might think - it would only be a few lines of code to redirect to the signup page when someone isn't logged on and clicks 'buy' it massively increases the number of potential
states the site can be in, which in turn increases the amount of time it takes to fully test every potential path a user can take.
I've also been really busy - I've been working on expanding my mining operation, as well as shipping products, and I have other higher-priority features to add to the site, like coupons, the ability to add notes to orders and so on.
This isn't, I'm not selling shoes. People are going to need to have a decent amount of technical ability in order to use these things and i'm not interested in selling them to people too dumb to use them.