We have our very own mastery in gambling games you may not be good in card game but if you will just going to try to practice and learn how to play card games then you can be also terrific with it. Sports betting is one of the popular games that has been preferred by many of gamblers and in addition to it when boredom strikes with it or while waiting for the game then you simply play poker.
Actually i cannot call it mastery since there still no assurance that we can earn more money for our experience in gambling since that is still a game of fairness and we got only 50-50 chances to win on that matter, and my what so called mastery is on sportsbetting since i was an NBA fanboy and almost watching every game in the league thats why i mostly knew who's team are better or not but totally theirs still no assurance that i can earn since anythinh can be done if rythm and chemistry will be work on both teams ahead.
I'm not saying that even we will master a game it can give us guarantee that we will make some decent profit with it. It's more of the familiarity of the game, on how you know the cycle, the flow of the game. But that's an advantage and plus for you to have more chance of winning and with that 50-50 for me that is already high chance. Because imo, the only chance of winning in any gambling game is about 1%-10% only.