Potential activity= the amount of activity accumulated after several active 2 weeks period. For a 2 week period to be considered as active, 1 post is needed. Hence, only a few is required to accumulate a lot of unredeemed activity points. If you look closely at those accounts, the post are spaced average 2 weeks apart.
You mean for example, if I make just 1 post in a 2 week period for ~3 months, which means 12 weeks in total, so 6 posts x 2 weeks period, then am I entitled to get the remaining points collected if I make many posts in the 1st week of 4th month???
I mean after 3 months, my activity should be at 84, so if I make remaining 78 posts in the first week of 4th month, will I get my activity reach straight away to 84???