However, it is very difficult now to say how will all these "official" government or bank issued cryptocurrecies influence Bitcoin and the whole crypto ecosystem. It can both boost it and push it down.
Countries and banks just try to get in on the profit. If they see what bitcoin did in a couple of years, you can't blame them for trying to get a piece of the cake. However like with fiat money it's so stupid that if you go abroad you need to exchange your money for foreign currency. What bitcoin can do is making 1 universal coin for all countries. Hope this new trend is soon to be taken down and bitcoin will rise as the sole contender.
I think the introduction of their own cryptocurrency stems out from the fact that bitcoin had been a success. However, right now, unless they would ban bitcoins and altcoins alike in their country and require their own to be used, it would be their only way to jump-start the recognition of their own cryptocurrency in the market. I think India have seen the potential of bitcoins and wants to capitalize on it by way of introducing their own.