Rules are simple!
- You need to be member and up (Jr member not allowed)
- You must use the highest level of formatting (Color/size/etc) your user group allows to be applicable for the rates.
- Your signature must reflect your full user group rights.
- You need AT LEAST 50 posts minimum to claim the reward, and 50+ activity already to enroll.
- You may not advertise any other sites/threads. This includes non-paid for advertisements.
- If you are scammer/with negative trust you cannot enroll.
- Payments will be made every 30th of month. Please allow up to 48h to complete all payments!
- You need to have the signature AT ALL TIMES you are enrolled. Fail to do so will void all/any outstanding payments owed to you. Dont try to cheat!
- Maximum 400 posts will be counted per month, minimum 20. Posts posted on THIS specific thread will not count and they are not eligible for payment.
- ONLY constructive posts will be counted! "+1,' "Thumbs up", "yes", "no", etc posts will NOT be counted, and could delist you from payment if it gets abused.
- TO ENROLL: Reply to this topic, with username, number of posts and your BTC addy.
- Space reserved for 100 people at this time! Will keep updating this post to show who is enrolled.
Payment Structure
Please note you must use the highest level of formatting you are allowed to be applicable for the rate!
Hero Member - 0.0014BTC Per constructive post
Senior Member - 0.0012BTC Per constructive post
Full Member - 0.0007BTC Per consutrctive post
Member - 0.0005BTC per constructive post
Jr. Member - Not allowed
Rate pembayaran lebih tinggi dari PrimeDice
wahh boleh tuh....lumayan gede per postnya untuk member aja paling tinggi
ayo yang belum ada signnya lumayan itu daripada post ga di bayar
wih lumayan 50k perpost, iya gan untuk saat ini buat member paling tinggi
tadinya pengen tunggu rollin, kelamaan sih nongolnya
ane udah ke TKP gan udah daftar,tinggal tunggu keterima