Dear saudara sebangsa dan setanah air... (ane capres presiden RI 2019
Ane mau membuat penjelasan tentang 100 BTC yang ane post beberapa waktu lalu.
Terusterang wallet tersebut bukan wallet ane sebenarnya.. Biar ane luruskan...
Wallet tersebut ane temukan di sebuah public server yang di tinggal hampir 1 tahun...
Dan ane iseng bilang itu wallet ane dengan alasan mo beli rumah... Yup ane berbohong... tapi bukan ane punya alasan... kebohongan tersebut hanyalah "pancingan" agar siapa yang merasa memiliki wallet pasti akan bereaksi...
Namun belum sempet ada reaksi dari pemilik, ane sudah menemukan siapa pemilik sebenarnya dan mengirim email kepadanya. Mengenai kenapa ane kirim ke pada saudara arieq itu hanyalah usaha andai bisa di jebol, yah bagi hasil... hahahaha... tapi ane yakin, yang namanya bitcoin mukan hal yang mudah untuk di jebol meski hanya 6 karakter... dan terbukti belakangan itu menggunakan password lebih dari 20 karakter (kata pemiliknya Mr. Technologov).
Nah belum sempat arieq mampu menjebol, ternyata ane sudah mengetahui siapa pemilik aslinya jangan tanya bagaimana ane melacak pemiliknya sehingga ane bisa menemukan alamat emailnya dan nama aslinya bahkan beberapa profilenya di beberapa halaman sosial network.
Nah ane mengirim email ke beliau... seperti yang di ceritakan oleh technologov di:
Setelah 3 hari ane melihat pembicaraan si Technologov, ane tidak bereaksi kerana ane sedang mempelajari rekayasa sosial dari beliau. Dan akhirnya si Mr. Technologov mengirim email kepada saya dan kami saling berbalas email...
Silahkan membaca kronologi hasil pembicaraan saya dengan Technologov.
From: Technologov <
[email protected]>
Hello Mr. Syabiz,
Since you know so very much about me, you probably know, that I don't
deal in terror. Not even with financial terror.
You're from Indonesia ?
Indeed this wallet of 100 BTC is my.
However, I could pay you a sum of 0.1 BTC (100 milli-bits), and not
report you to authorities, if you reveal:
1. How you got this wallet.dat ? (I can guess, as there are few
options but I wanna know from you)
2. How you got my name & email
3. What else you got or know about me?
4. What are your ideas about improving security of my computers ?
5. What are your ideas about improving security of Bitcoin wallets in general ?
6. Who wrote TibanneBackOffice virus ? What it contains ?
My offer is valid for 1 month.
From my part I have good news for you:
According to my financial analysis, each Bitcoin can go over $100,000
in ten years or so, so it is not too late for you to start buying
them, as I did. We're just in the middle of this logarithmic growth.
My article: another analysis:, mister "syabiz", you wanna buy a house with my 100 BTC? Ha ha !
Not gonna happen. But you can earn your own money, and if you invest
it well, you may get a house a decade from now.
If my analysis is right, buying a house with Bitcoin would be a bad
idea. Rent is better.
And please stop bullshit about "Ethics", as you tried to crack my
password for 1 month, and steal my bitcoins, but failed. As for my
password -- it is not 6 characters as you thought on bitcoin-forum. It
is near 20 random characters. And dictionary attack won't help you.
-Alexey Eromenko, 13.Jul.2014.
Trus ane balas....
From: Syabiz <
[email protected]>
Hello Technologov
I found out about you through the places where I get yours wallet.dat Mr. Technologov. Yup I'm from Indonesia.
No. .. no I'm not terror. your Mr. Technologov, even I am not a financial expert about what else to do to your financial terror.
But the word "terror" that you mentioned, look at all that you are a victim of media from your country to someone from Indonesia. Are you in the state of Israel no have terrorists? Of course you are part of a terrorist government that has killed millions of people in Palestine.
But of course I make sure that the wallet was 100 BTC yours through transaction information and where I got it.
I also have no problem if you report me to the authorities because I am not a hacker or a cracker or spread a virus, mallware, trojans or the like, as you mentioned in the forum bitcointalk.
But I get out of a place where someone let a precious object can be accessed. and finally I see him and contact you.
When I give "bait" with I say to the public in a forum that I want to buy a house for 100 BTC. You think I was too bad about it. when I give feedback, through forums, and send you an email message, I see your reactions are too fast prejudiced.
In the end you respond via the forum before replying to my email very badly. You look smart, but for me you are too hasty Mr. Technologov judge someone and embarrass him in public before asking directly.
Once again, what my idea to improve computer security? Once again I am not a hacker, and certainly not a cracker. But I am a person who likes trying something scattered on the internet.
Regarding "TibanneBackOffice" virus, this is the first time I heard about this virus .. And how it works?
Regarding on "Ethics", quite the contrary I'm judging you as a victim ethics arrogant ..
About buy a house, once again greeting me was a "bait" to find the owner of the wallet truth. And I am very aware that bitcoin is almost impossible to be solved even if you use a 6 character password.
To me, "it looks better than just a stupid look smart but quite the opposite".
Okey let me tell you how I met your "wallet.dat"
This site is not one of yours? (
I found it here: And what I know this wallet belong to you?
certainly here: That way if I look like a hacker? Of course not! I only use public facilities for and find valuable items through the public.
Try to imagine when you find a wallet in a park filled with people. Are you going to yell asking, "Who's wallet?"
Certainly something valuable to many admit that they become owners. But I do not, I try publish post "bait" with reason need to buy house, so that anyone who feels lost I will definitely return.. Because I believe I will not be able to open and use it unless the owner himself.
Is it enough for you to be careful in the future? I hope this is a lesson for you. And I ask you to clear my name once again update the forum with your posts on the forums by adding the content of the email you are reading this for the public to know and learn together keeping their wallets in the future.
For all of this you do not need to give anything to me after I get to know your character well. Social engineering techniques has taught me a lot about a person's behavior in maintaining security
You are a victim of the arrogant. Thus, no need to give anything to me for all this. Because your gift will be discussed in public and I was as a beggar to you ... It should not happen Technologov.
sorry my english is bad, sometime i use dictionary for write to someone...
Lalu dia balas lagi....
From: Technologov <
[email protected]>
If you want, I can reward you with 0.1 BTC... sent to a different
address and from another wallet.
Sorry, I was under the impression that you broke through to my Windows
PC, or my Dropbox or my Google Account.
lalu ane balas lagi...
From: Syabiz <
[email protected]>
No problem... Please clear this case on bitcointalk..
This my new address
I hope this is not for you to tell the public for this reward reward
Dia balas lagi..
From: Technologov <
[email protected]>
Okay, money will be sent, and I do recommend you to keep Bitcoins. Spend Rupees.
Bitcoin still has a very long way to go, in my opinion.
As for Palestines -- they started terror in this war. Few weeks ago
they captured 3 Israelis and killed them dead.
Israel went to war with Palestine. But they started.
You got your coin !
Ane terakhir balas...
Hasilnya ane lumayan dapat segini gan...
Hahaha segitu dulu gan.... hahaha...
Buat saudara Arieq, ane minta maaf karna memperalat ente dalam rangka memancing pemilik sebenar.... tapi siapa tau kalo emang ente bisa jebol... kan bisa 15 BTC... bahkan 50-50 juga ane gak masalah.. wakakak.. Tapi emang gak mungkin... sekali lagi ane minta maaf sebesar2nya pada ente gan....
Semoga penjelasan ini bisa bisa jadi pelajaran buat kita semua... Dan Mr. Techlogov juga sudah meminta maaf (
) kedapa saya tentang sikap gegabah nya.
Ane kira cukup segitu..... hehehe...