What will be the end point of "currency"? I suspect we will come full circle, round to barter once again ... enabled by Satoshi's amazing creation.
I don't think that barter is a situation that we should strive for. It only allows for a limited economic activity, because everyone has to know the barter rates of every good with every other good.
We only need currencies as a trusted medium that can be easily converted from work to, say, pizzas
I think money serves a bunch of needs and that they won't disappear soon, even though the medium they inhabit may change. You don't need money just so you can compare the value of goods between themselves, a task you will find very hard to do in a barter economy. But also you need money to protect for future uncertainty. If somehow we all knew the future perfectly, then we won't need money anymore, because we could set up our income and expenses so that they match perfectly and we won't be in a need to have cash.
Other than that, money serve a role as a store of value (or at lease, it should serve this role. But fiat currencies failed at this role spectacularly), to move value created through time, not just through space.
When everyone on the planet is continuously online (2040 would be my guess, maybe earlier) fiat currencies, banks, and the rest of the current financial ecosystem will be superfluous.
I also think that fiat currencies will become superfluous, but I don't think the same thing can be said about the financial system. Yes, it will have to change, to use sound money and be responsible, but it does offer a function that is asked from the market, so I don't think it will disappear. Just my 2 cents