I made new, improved, more detailed, charts of Bitcoin vs USD inflation.
Instead of a point every month I plotted a weekly chart (found a CSV for M1 and took the daily BTC numbers from Blockchain.info CSV)
Interesting we can find easily the daily stock of BTC but can find only a weekly M1 for USD.
This is the link to the spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Jjhd_nnfRJ9EyYuOM1ACPMwRod3hhPqRk4YQp7FIZE/pubhtml#The formula are:
Of interest, is tab 2013; it show the Annual Bitcoin Inflation (red), diff with USD M1 Inflation (blue) BTC Weekly trend (Yellow), M1 Inflation (green).
When I made the old chart I had the data just for february. It shown a big spike in M1 USD inflation but I didn't mind of it because I believed it was an aberration of monthly data.
Now, doing it with weekly up to June data, the spike in M1 inflation is confirmed. The Fed could be tapering the QE, but it is printing like hell.
The Red and Green lines are about to cross.
When it happen, the M1 will inflate faster than BTC stock and people saving in USD will be bleeding compared to BTC
even if there is no increased adoption of BTC.
I had think we would not be there before the next halving. But I didn't considered the Yellen factor (the increase of M1 inflation start after Bernanke step down).