You should not attempt to describe the workings of bitcoin economy with a standard economic theory, because your interpretations will always be wrong.
BTC is a completely new form of money and thus requires the application of its own economic theory when describing what drives its value up or down.
And it's definitely not the currency exchange rates that create deflation and inflation in a BTC-based economy. It's the BTC spending that does it.
It's also worth noting that when we talk about exchange rate fluctuations, we imply appreciation/depreciation, not inflation/deflation.
Only nations, communities or groups with exclusive territories, assets, labourers, exports and imports can have an "economy" and a national (or local socially accepted) Medium of Labour Exchange "currency" for which there exists a "current foreign exchange value". Globes cannot have economies since they lack all of those things and (thus far at least) trade with no other globes.
The planet is merely a Global Marketplace there is, and so far, can be
no such thing as a "global economy". (unless you want to consider Liechtenstein, Bermuda, Belize, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands as "another planet" populated by racially superior "alien" boardroom-gold-pharaoh-socialist slave-owners)
For instance your "American" home (BTConomist's Kingdom) could have it's own Medium of Labour Exchange "BTCono-Dollar" currency based upon the assets, labour values, imports and exports of BTConomist's "subjects", that might be accepted by your neighbours as a local "foreign currency". Your little tribe and it's tribal economy might consist of you importing lawn equipment and exporting lawn maintenance and your wife might import beauty supplies and run a salon and your kids might paint houses, deliver papers and do lawns too, your nephews, aunts and uncles and in-laws may also become part of the families' "BTCono-Dollar" economy. Your families' little "economic kingdom" can do as it pleases as long as it pays it's communist rent-taxes to the private Federal Tory-Bilderberg Gold-Pharaoh Reserve Printing Companies' Pentagon war-communist Union of ZioNazi Socialist Republics within which it is imprisoned.
You could "back" your "BTCono-Dollars" with grass seed, house painting or lawn cutting jobs for instance, then everybody would know when your kids showed up with them just about how many popsicles to give them for one. If the BTConomist's Kingdom imports too many slave goods from the kingdom of Walmart, such that it must go into debt to a private plastic-counterfeit renting
Association outfit to whom you must pay 30% interest then you cannot afford to be "backing" too much exported currency for the neighbors around your 'hood, and your economy must increase it's exports. Now you might also Friedmanize ("monetize") your Walmart debts by printing up more BTCono-Dollars to pay off your wife and kids with, but sooner or later they are going to be all like "Where's the popsicles Tory Trotskyite Papa Friedman?" on your butt.
Unlike a "money" a "penny stock exchange-traded" Bitcoin is only an Over the Counter Funded Credit Swap Derivative that is only worth what the next guy wants to pay you for it, the next time it's cashed in, and that is all it ever can or will be worth. It certainly had a "funded cost" to you but what it's worth is, (exchange value) is unknowable until you are rid of it.
Appreciation and depreciation only apply to Mediums of Savings, which consist of rare fine arts, commodities or antiquities always absolutely certain to appreciate in exchange value, or, "bad" Mediums of Investment (like coal, whole used cars, or Tory-Trotskyite Red Chinese slave labour) doomed to be worth less than it was before. (monopolized-gold is only bulky, common-nuisance 3rd rate medium of savings) Labour is the PRIME RESOURCE which is expressed in and represented by an economies' Medium of Labour Exchange "currency". The gracefully inflating (depreciating minutely in concert with growth) exchange value "price" of a fair "currency" has a certain and direct impact on all prices over time, but it cannot (usually) strive to be a fair or good Medium of Savings or become as abused as a bad Medium of Investment.
It (Medium of Labour Exchange "currency") is (and must be) the central and most stably growing component of all valuations within a healthy, growing economy (where the citizens own and rent their own currency). In an unhealthy, diseased, private ex-gold Pharaoh Federal Reserve Monetary Labour Enslavement tyranny, all of the profits from reserve lending and counterfeiting are stolen by criminal Tory-Bilderberg Trotskyite oligarchs, and thus, armed-communist taxation robbery must be imposed (by the politicians they buy and own for nothing) to pay them their Trotskyite pounds of flesh. In that case the corruptly rented-private Medium of Labour Exchange currency must always (depreciate like a bad investment) inflate and all prices must also inflate, along with it, to ALWAYS PROFIT ONLY THEM, ALONE!
This phenomenon today is known as
Neo-Keynesian Fascist-Friedmanism (aka
Tory-Bilderberg Gold-Misesism) or "austere" urinate-down "voodoo economics". It's simply a throw-back to Tory-Malthusian Gold-Mercantilism.
Try to avoid the silly temptation of confusing a "wealth" with a "money". In 1913 the results of the American Revolution and the Civil War were reversed and all became bonded slaves to the Transnational Trotskyite Tory-Bilderberg gold-pharaohs of London once again.
If exchange-traded Bitcoin Credit Swaps can somehow be made to work as well as a stable, liquid currency it means Global Human-Monetary Freedom from the private national-socialist bankstering tyrannies of the wealthy Pharaohs, once and for all, finally..
One “winning” wealthy Gold (or Bitcoin) Pharaoh, no matter how audacious his lifestyle, cannot “urinate down” a “Free Market” economy renovating his palaces. The power to counterfeit, loan and issue (from nothing) a fiat Labor Exchange Currency token is the power to corrupt. The Wealth of Nations (national economies) is their public property expressed and represented by the foreign-export fruits of all labors value of their publicly owned and issued “Medium of Labor Exchange Currency”. Maintaining and growing the ongoing exchange-value of its own economic “currency” is the public work of a nation, it is not ever to be regarded as the private toy-hobby of some “beneficent” private gang of boardroom-socialist Pharaohs.