What do you dislike about controlled low inflation? This forces people not to freeze assets, but either use them (buy goods / services), or invest ... That one thing or the other launches a very important process of "money movement" in the economy. And this is essentially a synonym for the blood flow in our body in our circulatory system. If it is slow, all processes freeze, our activity tends to 0, there is no strength, we become incapacitated. It is the same in the country's economy when money stops active circulation. And then gratitude, and inflation including
That's a pretty narrative, but I don't think any of it is correct.
My understanding is that an intentional low rate of inflation is like the tail on a kite. The shorter the tail, the more unstable the kite. But the longer the tail, the more it weighs the kite down.
Personally, I think inflation is more like opium. At low doses, it subdues a person, making them lethargic and unresponsive, but happy. At high doses, it kills the person. The real question is whether or not the opium actually helps.