Το παρακάτω πρέπει να είναι από τα καλύτερα άρθρα που έχω διαβάσει τον τελευταίο καιρό αν και σε μερικά πράγματα δεν συμφωνώ έχει φοβερά επιχειρήματα.
Περιγράφει το dao fiasco και πως επηρέασε την ισοτιμία του Bitcoin καθώς θεωρήθηκε από τους επενδυτές ως καμπανάκι κινδύνου για γενικά τα κρυπτονομίσματα και την τεχνολογία τους.
http://seekingalpha.com/article/3985496-cryptocurrency-bust#alt1Μερικά σημεία του.
I'm sure you've heard some of the ridiculous Silicon Valley techno utopian fantasies that float around from time to time. Our favorite is the "tech island" concept that gets proposed every few years. It usually comes from a group of techies whose heads get too big as they start spouting off the benefits of a sovereign island with no rules and regulations. Just innovation.
They completely disregard the benefits of the institutional structures our society has built thus far. They take the concept of disruption and stretch it, claiming that everything that's been created in the past is wrong and needs to be redone.
But this makes no sense. There's usually a reason certain systems are in place and have been in place for a number years. While having the disruption mentality may give you fresh eyes to find solutions to old problems, taking it too far becomes harmful to the process. You become the obnoxious intern fresh out of college lecturing 30 year veterans on how to do their jobs. Sure you can make suggestions for improvement, but in reality you don't know shit compared to them and you need to learn.
εντάξει σε αυτό υπάρχει αντίλογος ότι τα συστήματα που υπάρχουν ήδη είναι απαρχαιωμένα και απλά θέλουν ένα ριζικό εκσυγχρονισμό ιδίως το τραπεζικό σύστημα που στην κυριολεξία είναι ένα μπάχαλο από τις χιλιάδες database ανεξάρτητες μεταξύ τους και χωρίς κανέναν έλεγχο που έχουν τώρα.
Αλλά με το παρακάτω είναι δύσκολο να μην συμφωνήσεις...
This is where a giant debate erupted among the Ethereum community. Returning the stolen money to investors would require a manual change to Ethereum's underlying technology. This is a huge deal because it would require human intervention. Which would defeat the whole purpose of a completely autonomous system right? It would ruin the system's sanctity and fly in the face of the principles it was built on. This made the decision a polarizing one. It's ironic because the community is now stuck in political battle, just the kind they hate and created cryptocurrencies to avoid.
It's stupid to think that we can avoid all intervention in a system we created ourselves. There are always inherent human biases that go into the construction of anything. In that sense, nothing we create can be "perfect" and free of human touch. This fact will almost always cause the need for a human to step into a system at some point down the line.
Part two of this unavoidable human intervention concept is the legal side of the DAO robbery. Who's responsible for the stolen funds? Should the developers of the DAO be held accountable? They're the ones that made the crappy code with the holes in it, right? But wait a minute… they were just developers! The system was completely run by machines! The goal was no executives remember?
Ha… good luck telling that to investors
αλλά το ποιο ανησυχητικό σε αυτό το άρθρο είναι το παρακάτω από επενδυτές που στην ουσία έχασαν εκατομμύρια δολάρια σε αυτό το DAO φιάσκο. Η παρακάτω πρόταση από μόνη της μπορεί να ανοίξει τον ασκό του Αιόλου στο crypto οικοσύστημα.
We have contacted the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) to raise awareness of the developments in Ethereum and specifically concepts like the DAO. While we generally support the innovations in cryptography and cybercurrency, the current "wild-west" environment presents dangerous pitfalls for potential investors, as the DAO attack has shown. As such, regulation is required to protect investors in the United States and abroad. We are currently in contact with investigators at the SEC, the ESC (European Securities Committee) and the MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) to explore this matte