This campaign will be a Fixed Rate campaign that pays weekly:Full Members and above - 0.014
More ranks may be accepted in the future.
Rules:1. 30 posts must be made each week to receive payment.
2. Posts that aren't in proper English, aren't constructive (in my opinion) or under 100 characters will not be paid.
3. You are required to have one post per week in the ANN thread, or else you won't be paid or get a partial payment.
4. Posts in Local boards, Altcoin boards, Games and Rounds, Investor Based Games, Micro Earnings, and Off-topic will not count.
5. Getting negative trust from DT2+ or spamming will cause you to be removed without payment.
6. Enrolling alts will result in both of your accounts removed without payment.
7. Posts in spam megathreads (based on my opinion), posts in campaign threads (including this one), necroposts for no good reason, and posts that "beat a dead horse" will not count.
8. I reserve the right to change the rules.
Biasanya signature campaign judi bayarannya besar loh mas, ini sama saja samaratakan dengan semua bayaran signature, mungkin karena budgetnya terbatas atau bitfortune option basisnya kebanyakan di platform game.
Yang paling parah aku full membernya masih sebulan lagi
Tapi gak apa apa deh senang liatnya dari februari kemarin banyak signature bermunculan, makin senang log in bitcointalk. Btw ciri khasnya darkstar selalu pake rule based on my opinion. Yang paling kejam si lauda, tiap minggu selalu ada diskualifikasi partisipants, disk saja ga apa apa, cuma niat banget pake ngebanned sagala.