Joshua Mark Zeidner is a supporter of the Jl777 asset InstantDEX.
there is also InstantDEX which you can actually invest in on the exchange. Shares are trading at ~34NXT per share.
Joshua Mark Zeidner received Jl777 assets for 1,750,000 NXT (= 130 Btc).'000 NXTventure = 1'180'000.00 NXTNXTventure makes private investments in promising enterprises and adds value to each investment by proactively integrating it into NXTservices to add a valuable new service for the NXTcommunity. NXTventure will pay monthly dividends in the assets it acquires, net of trading activities during the launch period. This means NXTventure asset will generate a stream of new assets as it launches them. contact jl777 if you are seeking investment
300'000 NXTautoDAC = 444'000.00 NXTNXTautoDAC assets represent .0001% of revenues from the family of autoDACs that bluemeanie1 and his team will create. NXTventure has made a private investment and assetized 75% of revenues. Development costs will be funded by the remaining 25% of revenues.Once deployed the automatic Digital Autonomous Corporations will continue to operate in an open and transparent manner with transactions enforced by the NXT blockchain. Due to their automated nature the fees charged to people can be dramatically less than real world equivalents. The much lower fees are expected to entice enough people to try this new technology and thus increasing the customer base.The ability to easily utilize autoDACs will be integrated into NXTservices and this will encourage adoption. While autoDAC's have a tremendous potential, it is still in its infancy and it is expected that it will take a while for people to become comfortable with using autoDACsPlease follow updates on the NXTventure section
1'000 InstantDEX = 58'999.90 NXTThere are a total of 1 million InstantDEX assets. The goal of InstantDEX is to offer realtime trading of NXT, NXT assets and other cryptos. It will earn fees from commissions on the trades. By keeping costs low by using a decentralized infrastructure, it is expected to be able to distribute approximately half of revenues to asset holders.please refer to for up to date details
1'000 NXTcoinsco = 34'700.00 NXTThere are a total of 1 million NXTcoinsco assets. NXTcoinsco will be creating coins that run on top of NXT, starting with nodecoin. After that it will make SVMcoin and also create a NXTcoins development kit to enable others to make coins easily.For internally created coins, NXTcoinsco asset holders will receive 10% of the coins. The percentage for externally developed coins will vary.please refer to for up to date details